- He was placed in charge of trade union work. 他被分配担任工会工作。
- He was placed in charge of the department. 他受命主管这个部门。
- The year after that,I was placed in charge of a large summer program for under privileged children in the large city of Millon, South Dakota. 一年后,我被安置在负责一个大夏天计划下享有特权的儿童在各大城市米,南达科他州。
- Who has been placed in charge during the director's absence? 主任不在时由谁来负责?
- He is in charge of the operation of the steel mill. 他负责这家钢厂的经营工作。
- All questions of cost will be remitted to the officer In charge of the accounts. 所有的开销问题都要报请那位负责账目的官员同意。
- Doctor Wang will be in charge of the operation. 王医生将负责这次手术。
- I am in charge of financial affairs. 我职掌财务。
- Subheads should be placed in the middle of the column. 小标题一律居中。
- I'm in charge of the Marketing Department. 我是负责/掌管市场部的。
- Aluminized tape can be placed in certain areas of a re-strike die. 铝基带能用在整形工位的某个位置上。
- He's the chief, in charge of the whole show. 他是主管,负责全盘工作。
- be placed in charge of 被安排对 ... 负责
- The butler is in charge of the wine cellar. 仆役长负责管理酒窖。
- Your call have be placed in a queue . 您的电话已列放等候名单。
- He is in charge of the municipal housing project. 他主管该市建房计划。
- The body was placed in bier before burial. 在举行葬礼以前尸体被放在棺材里。
- An experienced mechanic is in charge of the job. 一位有经验的机械师负责这工作。
- Beacon must be placed in the designated LZ. 信标必须安置在指定的着陆点。
- Mary is in charge of the children. 玛丽负责照顾这些孩子。