- Peter was pulled up by his teacher because be talked rudely to his classmates. 彼得受到老师的斥责,因为他与同学们谈话很不礼貌。
- He was pulled up by the organizer for being late. 因迟到他被组织者训了一顿。
- He was pulled up by the chairman. 他挨了主席一顿训.
- He replied, "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 耶稣回答说:“凡栽种的物,若不是我天父栽种的,必要拔出来。
- This usage is quite common, and I don't think the average reader will be pulled up by it. 这个习惯用法很普通,我想一般读者不会被它难住。
- She was pulled up by the teacher for running down the corridor. 她因为在走廊上奔跑而受到老师的责备。
- This usage is quite common,and I don't think the average reader will be pulled up by it. 这个习惯用法很普通,我想一般读者不会被它难住。
- They have been pulled up by strong demand in Asia, but weighed down by lacklustre consumption in the US and Europe. 它们受到亚洲强劲需求的支持,但也受到美国和欧洲疲软消费的拖累。
- I was pulled up on a ledge by a man, and we held on to each other. 天空浓烟滚滚,我看见大地岩浆喷发,烈火染红天空。
- Her French is not very good,but it can probably be pulled up in a year's time. 她的法语不太好,可是花一年功夫大概可以有所提高。
- His French is not good,but it can probably be pulled up in a year's time. 他的法语不太好,但花一年的功夫大概可以有所提高。
- The car slowed down and pulled up by the telephone box. 车子放慢了速度, 在那个电话亭旁边停住了。
- His French is not good, but it can probably be pulled up in a year's time. 他的法语不太好,但花一年的功夫大概可以有所提高。
- The boat was pulled up on the shore. 小船被拉上了岸。
- The skin of forehead and brow areas were pulled up. 沿发际缘连续埋线缝合固定头皮与骨膜。
- Window cleaners are pulled up and down tall buidings on cradles. 高层建筑的擦窗工人在工作平台上被吊上吊下。
- Her Latin is not very good, but it can probably be pulled up between now and next June. 她的拉丁语不太好,但从现在到明年六月她可能会有所提高。
- Window cleaners are pulled up and down tall buildings on cradles. 窗户清洁工乘坐能升降的吊篮清洗高层建筑物的窗子。
- He was pulled up to a higher position in the rankings. 他在排行榜上被提到了更高的位置。
- A few boats that were caught in the ice had to be pulled up on shore. 现在在冰里的一些船必须被拉到岸上。