- She was quoted as saying she disagreed with the decision. 用她的话说,她不同意这一决定。
- He was quoted as being a bloodthirsty rascal. 人们说他是一个嗜血成性的恶棍。
- Philippine officials were quoted as saying they expected the hostage to be released later Tuesday. 据一菲律宾官员所说,他们希望人质于周二晚些时候获释。
- Usually people want fish to be as fresh as possible when it's sold,” Ekstrom was quoted as saying. 通常人们买鱼都希望鱼越新鲜越好。”
- GE “will be the locomotive pulling the GNP, not the caboose following it”, he was quoted as saying. 通用电气公司“将是拉动国民生产总值的火车头,而不是被拖在最后的车厢,”媒体援引他的话称。
- "Yes, we are considering Rubina's future," Qureshi was quoted as saying. 该报援引库雷希的话说:“是的,我们正考虑鲁比娜的未来。”
- "We are not looking for a maid, but someone to be with us until we are dead," father Tian was quoted as saying. “我们并不是找一个女佣,而是一个女儿伴我们终老。”田爸爸说。
- At one time, John Lennon was quoted as saying that The Beatles were @more popular than Jesus. 一度有人引用约翰?蓝侬的话说:披头士“比耶稣还受欢迎”。
- Foreign labor cooperation is an important part of our international economic cooperation, Chen was quoted as saying. 陈健说,对外劳务合作是我国对外经贸合作的重要内容。
- "I will never forget it. She was such a pretty girl," he was quoted as saying by a series of papers. "那一刻我永远都不会忘记,她当时是那么漂亮。"许多报纸援引他的话说。
- Bond prices are quoted as a percentage of their "face value or maturity value, which is usually $10. 债券价格以它们的面值或到期值的百分比挂牌,通常以10美元为单位。
- I will continue to the end," she was quoted as saying in the state-run Legal Daily. 我愿意坚持到底。”用她在官方媒体《法制日报》上的话说。
- "I remember him as quiet, retiring and rather shy," Fyfield-Shayler, 69, was quoted as saying. 今年69岁的舍勒老师说:"在我记忆中,本-拉登是个安静的,甚至有点腼腆的孩子.
- Professor Wang was quoted as sating that his proposal had died a bureaucratic death. 据王教授说,由于官僚主义盛行,他的这一建议(提交后)便石沉大海(或杳无音信/不了了之)。
- I did not impose my will on her," her father, an amateur runner himself, was quoted as saying. 我没有将自己的意愿强加给她,”而她父亲自己就是一名业余的跑步爱好者。
- "We should restore our position in Cuba and other countries," Putin was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency. “我们将恢复俄罗斯在古巴及其它国家的影响。”国际文传通讯社援引普京的话说。
- In the meantime, a Lakers insider was quoted as saying that Bryant was behind the departure of Shaquille O'Neal. 同时,引用一位湖人队“内部人士”的话,说科比与沙克的离开有关。
- Japan is upgrading jet fighters "as a measure aimed at airspace violations", she was quoted as saying. 该发言人同时声称目前日本增加喷气式战斗机的行为旨在应对领空受袭。
- Another unnamed gamer was quoted as saying, "I really felt like our gang was disbanded. 另一位未透露姓名的玩家称,“我真的觉得我们的帮派被解散。”
- Essien's spokeswoman was quoted as saying: “He is very upset and does not believe he was over the limit. 工作人员还引用了埃辛的女发言人的话:“他非常沮丧,不相信自己酒精超标。