- While regulatory competition is vociferously debated in other parts of the world, theoretical discussions on this topic are rarely seen in Taiwan. 虽然规范竞争早已是外国学界激烈讨论的课题,惟在台湾,完整而深入的理论论述尚属少见。
- Americans are rarely seen in the small city. English is seldom heard as well. 在这个小城市很少见到美国人,也很少听到英语。
- Other lesion, such as meningioma, lipoma and arachnoid cyst, are rarely seen in the IAC. 其他较不常见的病变如脑膜瘤、脂肪瘤及蜘蛛膜囊肿等,在诊断上必须和听神经瘤加以区分。
- Pandas are rare animals in the world. 熊猫是世界上的稀有动物。
- This book is rarely seen in the bookshops. 此书坊间少见。
- You are if you want to be the change you wish to see in the world. 如果你想要成为希望在这个世界上看到的变化,那么你就准备好了。
- During the next 18 months circumspection was rarely seen in pronouncements made politicians, pundits, and officials. 在未来18个月谨慎,是少见的言论所作的政治家,学者和官员。
- It was in the days when motorcars were rare. 那是在汽车还罕见的时代。
- And the second reason was that extremelv severe fIooding----which had been rarely seen in history---also caused difficulties greater than we had expected. 第二,我国发生的历史上罕见的特大的洪涝灾害也超出了我的预料。
- The Chinese people were repeatedly exploited by land rent, taxes, usury and industrial and commercial capital. The exploitation and poverty they suffered were of a degree rarely seen in other parts of the world. 中国人民遭受着地租、赋税、高利贷和工商资本的层层盘剥,其所受的剥削和贫困的程度是世界上罕见的。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- It is not a long time ago that CD burner could be rarely seen in the market, but now many people have installed the hardware into their computers. 不久以前刻录机在市场上还很少见,但是现在很多人已经把这种硬件装在自己的电脑上了。
- There will be no difficulty in the world that they cannot overcome. 世界上任何困难他们都可以克服。
- Hyperuricemic nephropathy was thought to be a kind of common diseases in western countries, which was rarely seen in our country in the past. 既往认为高尿酸血症肾病是西方国家的一种常见病,在中国少见。
- The couple count Wayne Rooney and Coleen McLoughlin among their friends, but are rarely seen in Manchester's celebrity haunts. 他们和韦恩.;鲁尼及科琳
- Wargear that would be rarely seen in an Ork army belonging to another clan, such as suits of mega armour or kustom mega blastas, are seen far more regularly in a Bad Moon force. 超级盔甲和超热爆枪在其他氏族的部队里属于罕见罕闻的高档货色,在恶月这边却往往可见。
- The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亚洲一直在世界经济中发挥积极作用。
- But like almost all Iranian politicians, Ahmadinejad's private life remains a closely guarded secret, and his wife, two sons and daughter are rarely seen in public. 与伊朗其他政治人物一样,内贾德的私生活一直受到严密保护,他的妻子、两个儿子和女儿很少在公共场合露面。
- The difference between group A and B of same denervation time was not statisticall y significant. (3) Apoptotic nuc leus were rarely seen in normal skeletal muscle. (2)失神经骨骼肌中染成绿色的胶原纤维增多,早期增生并不明显,失神经支配1年以上肌肉中的胶原纤维增生更为显著。
- Nothing in the world is flawless and perfect. 世上没有十全十美的东西。