- Rotary will be recognized for its leadership and success in the eradication of polio. 扶轮将被表彰其于根除小儿麻痹等疾病内的领导与成功。
- Aqua aerobics has long been recognized for its exercise benefits. 水中有氧运动早已被认定有健身的好处。
- The two companies were recognized for ConAgra Foods' 46-ounce Hunt's? 这两家公司都承认的康尼格拉食品' 46盎司亨特?
- This is why animal proteins have been recognized for years to have a higher biological value than most plant proteins. 这是多年来人们何以认为动物性蛋白比植物性蛋白具有较高生物学价值的原因。
- Fixed The correct number of cores could not be recognized for the AMD type multicore CPU. AMD多核CPU核心的数量无法正确识别。
- In 2007, Cognizant was recognized for strong results by BusinessWeek and Forbes Business 2.0. 公司具有良好的英语氛围,为员工提供了不断学习和提高英语能力的环境。
- A disfigurement in the teeth of humans known as mottled enamel has been recognized for many years. 多年来公认珐琅斑会毁坏人们牙齿的外观。
- He was recognized for his work in the 1985 drama Witness with a Best Actor Oscar nomination and has received a slew of other prestigious awards. 他凭1985年影片《目击者》中出色表演荣获奥斯卡最佳男演员提名,此外他还获得许多其他著名奖项。
- After being recognized for his genius, however, Daniel is given the best Babylonian education. 但以理的天分获得赏识后,他得以接受巴比伦最好的教育。
- A direct relation between the acute inflammatory response after injury and the initiation of repair has been recognized for generations. 损伤引起的急性炎症反应和修复开始之间的直接关系已为几代人所认识。
- Corticosteroid-induced ocular hypertension and glaucoma has been recognized for more than 50 years. 人们认识激素性高眼压和青光眼已经50多年了。
- Born in Bonn, Germany in 1770, Ludwig van Beethoven was recognized for his talent at a very young age. 鲁德维?凡?贝多芬于1770年生于德国波昂,他很小的时候就因其才华而受到大家的赞扬。
- Plagiogranite was recognized for the first time in the Goicang ophiolites in Xizang. 摘要古昌蛇绿岩中首次发现斜长花岗岩。
- Be recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for is famous. 出名所付出的代价是不管你走到哪里,都会被人认出来。
- For example, milk is a vital source of calcium and many other nutrients, and citrus fruits are recognized for their content of vitamin C. 例如乳是钙和其它营养素的重要来源,柑橘类水果被认为是vc的重要来源。
- Movement (Lift): The Snatch or the Clean & Jerk.These two methods of lifting the barbell overhead are recognized for weightlifting competitions. 举法:抓举或挺举。举重竞赛(规则)承认的把杠铃举过头顶的两种方法。
- In her remarks that day Betsy said, "It's quite overwhelming to be recognized for something that you love to do every day. 那天贝蒂在致辞中说:“能够因自己喜欢做的事得到表彰是一件感到莫大幸福的事。”
- Thunderbird faculty are recognized for their innovative learning methods, global best practices, and pragmatic research. 雷鸟科系以其创新的学习方法,全球最佳实践课程和务实的研究而得到国际认可。
- He didn't want to be recognized, so he travelled incognito. 他不想被人认出,所以出行时隐瞒身分。
- For nearly 100 years, Eaton has been recognized for its innovative technology, quality products and superior customer relationships. 近百年来,伊顿以其创新的技术,优质的产品和出众的客户关系闻名遐尔。