- They were refused entrance to the club. 他们被拒於俱乐部门外。
- I wanted off at the cross road, but was refused. 我想在十字路口下车可不准。
- I was refused admittance to the house. 我被拒之门外。
- We were refused permission to enter. 我们被拒之门外。
- It's more tolerable to be refused than deceived. 被拒绝总比被欺骗好。
- I can be refused but not cheated. 你可以拒绝我;但不可以骗我.
- They were refused entrance to the theater. 他们被拒於戏院大门之外。
- Bail was refused on the presupposition of his guilt. 已料到他罪名成立而不准保释。
- Because of his drinking, Michael was refused a job at every turn. 由于酗酒,迈克尔谋职时每次都遭拒绝。
- What Chinese cannot bear most is to be refused or to lose face. 中国人认为最不能容忍的事情是受到拒绝和不给面子。
- They were afraid to be refused admission. 他们害怕被拒绝入境。
- It is so cautious that some useful new files will be refused. 这是非常谨慎,一些有用的新文件将被拒绝。
- His application for an injunction was refused. 他要求法院发禁令的申请被拒绝。
- Salon des Refusés (1863): Art exhibition held in 1863 in Paris by command of Napoleon III for those artists whose works had been refused by the jury of the official Salon. 选者沙龙 (1863) :1863年经拿破仑三世批准、为被官方沙龙评选委员会拒绝接受作品的艺术家在巴黎举办的美术展览。
- They were refused the right to use the port. 他们没能得到使用这个港口的权利。
- Others are refused to patronize the firm. 其他人被拒绝光临这家工厂。
- A lecturer in the English Department has recently been refused tenure. 英语系一名讲师最近未能获得终身职。
- We had to put up with Jim's poor table manners because be refused to change. 我们只好容忍吉姆餐桌上的不礼貌行为,因为他不肯改。
- When you were refused what did you feel about it? 当你被拒绝的时候,是什么感觉?
- I wanted off at the cross road,but was refused. 我想在十字路口下车可不准。