- Er, Can we be seated at the table near the window? 噢,我们可以坐靠窗子的那个座位吗?
- Sebastian's nanny was seated at the open window. 塞巴斯蒂安的保姆坐在敞开的窗口旁。
- He was seated at the desk,with his back to us. 他坐在书桌前,背朝着我们。
- She was seated at the piano with her back to them. 她坐在钢琴旁,背对着他们。
- He was seated at the desk, with his back to us. 他坐在书桌前,背朝着我们。
- She was seated at the piano, with her back to them. 她坐在钢琴旁, 背对着他们。
- The Arbitrator will be seated at a small table just outside the safety area, behind, and to the left of the Referee. 监查员将坐在安全区域外面的小桌子,位置在主审的左后方。
- The score-supervisor will be seated at the official score table, between the scorekeeper and the timekeeper. 分数监督员将坐于大会设置的分数桌,坐在计分员和计时员中间。
- But from now on the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the power of God. 从今以后,人子要坐在神大能者的右边。
- The two candidates will be seated at a table with veteran CBS moderator Bob Schieffer. 两位候选人将和哥伦比亚广播公司的资深主持者鲍伯.;西弗同坐一桌。
- The poor relations were seated at the bottom of the long table. 穷亲戚们被安排在长餐桌的末座。
- Billy was seated at one end of the table, flanked by the two women. 比利坐在桌子的一头,两边围着这两女人。
- The young man was seated at a table in Agassiz's laboratory. 谢勒坐在实验室里的一张桌子旁。
- The seat at that church is broad, and the hassock is well stuffed. 那个教堂里的座位很宽,跪垫也垫得均匀。
- Rhoda was seated at a low table, behind a lot of teacups and shining silver. 罗达坐在一张矮桌边,面前放着好多茶杯和闪闪发亮的银器皿。
- The Opera orchestra are seated at one side of the stage before the play starts. 还没开戏,文场已经坐在舞台边上了。
- The storyteller was sitting on my right; and Frank Gammond,an old friend of mine,was seated at my left. 这位讲故事的来宾坐在我右边,我的老朋友贾蒙坐在我左边。
- I took a seat at the end of the hearthstone. 我在炉边的椅子上坐下来。
- Please be seated, ladies and gentlemen! 各位女士们,先生们,请坐下!
- Will you take a seat at the head of the table? 你请上坐好吗?