- She was startled to see him looking so sad. 看到他这么悲伤,使她大为吃惊。
- She was startled to see him looking so ill. 看到他病到这种程度,使她大为吃惊。
- She was startled to see him looking so sick. 看到他的病容,她大为吃惊。
- Cinderella looked up and was startled to see an old lady holding a wand. 灰姑娘抬头望时吓了一跳,她看到一位拿着魔杖的老妇人。
- The Constellation disciples were startled to see someone abruptly come out from behind the rock. 星宿派诸弟子见岩石之后突然有人现身,都是愕然失色。
- Arthur looked up and squinting into the sun was startled to see Ford Prefect standing above him. 阿瑟抬起头来,眯着眼睛往上瞧了瞧,给吓了一跳,他看见福特.;普瑞非特正高高地站在他上面。
- I was startled to hear his news/by his news. 我听到他的消息大吃一惊。
- Then Kovacs, looking for the youngster, was startled to see it pass, maybe five feet below his fins. 然后,正在寻找小鲸的科瓦奇看到它就从他脚蹼下两米左右的地方游了过去,十分震惊。
- When the time came for the broad-jump trials, I was startled to see a tall boy hitting the pit at almost 26 feet on his practice leaps! 到了急行跳远预选赛时,我吃惊地看见一个高个儿小伙子试跳时就落在了沙坑将近26英尺的地方!
- One morning, I shuffled downstairs and was startled to see a snowplow clearing my driveway and the bent back of a woman shoveling my walk. 一天早上,我慢吞吞的下楼,却吃惊的发现一台扫雪机正在清扫我的车道,还有一个女人正弯腰铲去走道上的雪。
- I was startled to hear his news. 我听到他的消息大吃一惊.
- She was startled to see him looking so ill 看到他病到这种程度, 使她大为吃惊。
- be startled to see ... 看到 ... 吃了一惊
- He was startled to death by a congratulations party when he was five, and he started to dislike parties as of then. (他五岁的时候曾被一个庆功派对吓得半死,从那时候开始,他就不喜欢派对了。)
- My parents will be delighted to see you. 我父母见到你会很高兴。
- I shall be charmed to see you tomorrow. 我真希望明天能见到你。
- Hsin-mei, on the other hand, had not expected him to be so meek and was startled to find that he had struck at thin air. 辛楣想不到他会这样无的抵抗,反有一拳打个空的惊慌。
- Not realizing what he had gotten into at first, Zheng was startled to find himself owing millions of Taiwan Dollars (TWD). 郑三和是台湾第一位申请破产成功的“卡奴”。
- be startled to see 看到 ... 吃了一惊
- He said he would look about to see who might be able to help us. 他说,他要留心看看谁能帮我们的忙。