- Be stern in the council-chamber, so that you may control the situation. 厉于廊庙之上,以诛其事。
- The school is very stern in its discipline. 学校在纪律方面很严格。
- They are very stern in their discipline. 他们的训练极为严格。
- Parents sometimes have to be stern with their children. 父母有时要对子女们严格些。
- His face was stern and much flushed. 他的面孔绷紧而且通红。
- Judges are stern with his and run drivers. 法官对肇事逃跑的司机严厉处罚。
- The mother was stern and disciplinary. 这位母亲非常严厉,要求孩子必须守纪律。
- Sixthly, traitors must be sternly suppressed. 第六、严厉地镇压汉奸。
- She governed her house cunningly and firmly, knew when to give credit, when to be stern and when to let things pass. 她对公寓管理有方,知道何时可以赊帐,何时应该苛刻,何时又该睁一只眼闭一只眼,听其自然。
- Xinhua says offenders should be sternly punished. 新华社说,犯事者应该严惩。
- He has a yen to be alone in a boat. 他渴望独自待在一条船上。
- be stern in 严格进行
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。
- Stern in the outlines of action, mild in the details, he was serious throughout all. 他的行动乍看去严峻苛刻,于细微处却温和宽厚,他自始至终都是一丝不苟的。
- On climate security, Nick Stern in particular has started a valuable dialogue with the Chinese Government. 在气候安全方面,尼克。斯特恩已经与中国政府开始了意义重大的对话。
- All internal friction harmful to the War of Resistance must be sternly checked. 任何不利于抗战的内部磨擦,都必须用严正的态度加以制止。
- In the image there was a visage of a noble Christ, humble yet stern in demeanor. 在景象里,我看到了基督尊贵的脸孔,举止谦卑但坚定。
- V/arc drillmaster has seized the soldier's gun quarrelsomely, ground of stern in voice and countenance says: "Fool! 教官怒气冲冲地夺过士兵的枪,声色俱厉地说:“笨蛋!
- Your request will be dealt with in due course. 你的要求将在适当时机予以处理。
- Do exercise every day and you'll be back in condition. 每天锻炼锻炼,你很快会恢复健康的。