- Our nation can be strong abroad only if it is strong at home. 只有国家自强,才能对外称强。
- But demand for Chinese art, expensive watches and other collectors' items was strong at auction house Sotheby's spring sales in Hong Kong. 但在索斯比拍卖行香港春季拍卖会上,对中国艺术品的需求却很强,如昂贵的手表和其它收藏品。
- Foreign-policy realists like to point out that the region has never before known a period when both China and Japan were strong at the same time. 外交政策的现实主义者乐意指出,在这个地区从未有过一个时代,中国和日本同时都很强大。
- JANKULOVSKI/strong> ‘It will be tough to get through in Munich because they are strong at home, where they leave little space. 扬库洛夫斯基:“在慕尼黑的比赛将会变的艰难因为他们的主场很强,他们几乎不会给你任何发挥的空间。
- The correlation with invasive pneumococcal disease was strong at 2 weeks after activity of influenza virus and human metapneumovirus and for up to 4 weeks after RSV activity. 肺炎球菌感染在流感病毒和人偏肺病毒活动后2周达高峰,在呼吸道合胞病毒活动后持续4周。
- I heard someone remark that China and Japan had never before been strong at the same moment.The implication was faintly menacing. 我听到有人谈论到,中国和日本历史上从未同时强大过,这让人感到隐隐的威胁。
- The boy is now weak, but he will be strong all in good time. 小孩现在身体较弱,但到时候他会强壮的。
- At that time, she will be strong, nobody can injure her . 那时候;她就会坚强;没有谁能伤害她.
- Our nation can be strong abroad only if it is strong at home, and we know that the best way to enhance freedom in other lands is to demonstrate here that our democratic system is worthy of emulation. 我们的国家只有在国内强大才能在国外强大,我们知道,增进其他国家自由的最好办法是在这里表明,我们的民主制度是值得效法的。
- She protested strongly at being called a snob. 她极力反对别人说她势利眼。
- In its 2005 survey, which polled 225 professionals about their job outlooks, Accenture didn't ask about perceptions of risk because the economy was strong at the time, a spokesman says. 公司一位发言人表示,2005年公司调查了225位职业人士对各自就业前景的看法,因为当时经济表现强劲,公司并没有询问有关风险的感受。
- Dissent used to be strong in this part of England. 在英国的这一地方过去曾激烈反对国教。
- The other team is not strong at all. 另一队根本不强壮。
- There are strong arguments against these measures. 有一些有力的论据反对这些措施。
- To be strong,a country must have unity. 团结就是力量, 团结就是胜利。
- While global warming is expected to be strongest at the poles, it may be an even greater threat to species living in the tropics, scientists say. 科学家们说,尽管全球气候变暖预期在两极最为强烈,但是它对生活在热带地区的物种可能威胁更大。
- I must not falter. I must be strong. 我不能失败,我必须强大。
- That branch should be strong enough to hold. 那根用做支撑的树干应该足够坚固。
- You must be strong to face the days still to come. 你必须坚强地面对接下来的日子。
- One cannot be strong everywhere. 人不可能处处都是坚不可摧的。