- A child was struck down by lightning in the storm. 暴风雨中,一个小孩被雷电击倒。
- Jim was struck down by a truck in the middle of the main street. 吉姆在主大街中央被一辆卡车撞倒了。
- A man was struck down by lightning in the storm. 暴风雨中有人被雷电击中了。
- He was struck down by polio when he was a boy. 他在孩提时患了小儿麻痹症。
- He was struck down by cancer at the age of thirty. 他叁十岁时死於癌症.
- He was struck down by cancer last year. 他去年死于癌症。
- Kennedy was struck down by an assassin's bullet. 肯尼迪被刺客的子弹击中而身亡。
- She was struck down by polio at the age of four. 她四岁那年因小儿麻痺症死去。
- Many excellent intellectuals at the peak of their careers have been struck down by heart disease. 许多优秀的知识分子在其事业的高峰期被心脏病拖垮了。
- So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death! 到现在为止,其中一个人死于横祸。
- Without the amendment, I said, the law would be struck down by the courts as unconstitutional. 我说,如果不做出修正,那个法案肯定会被法院以违宪而扼杀。
- The whole village was struck down by a strange illness. 全村的人都因患一种怪病而倒下了。
- So far,one of them has been struck down by sudden death! 到现在为止,其中一个人死于横祸。
- He was struck down by pneumonia while in his twenties. 他二十岁的时候就被肺炎夺去生命。
- He was struck down By tuBerculosis while in his twenties. 他在二十几岁时就。
- Jim was struck down by a bus in the middle of the main street. 吉姆在大街当中被一辆公共汽车撞倒了。
- We are more likely to be struck down by the lassitude caused by trivial matters than by great challenges. 将人击垮的经常并非巨大的挑战,而是琐碎事件构成的倦怠。
- The guy was striked down by Dragon Li's fist. 李小龙猛烈的一拳把这个坏家伙打飞了。
- Juan Pablo Montoya spent most of his race stuck in the traffic, and was struck down by a Mercedes-Benz engine failure. 胡安-帕布鲁-蒙托亚大部分的比赛时间都被堵在了交通之中,并因为梅德塞兹-奔驰引擎的故障退出了比赛。
- An honest man, strong, fearless, was struck down by a colossal power, perverted by an evil influence. 一个身强力壮,勇敢大胆,心地忠厚的老实人,给一股巨大无比的力量打垮了,给一股邪气带坏了。