- AFL-CIO President John Sweeney was swift with praise for the tire decision. AFL-CIO主席斯文尼很快对奥巴马的轮胎案决定表示了赞赏。
- Be swift to hear, slow to speak. 听宜敏捷,言宜缓行。
- Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet! 哦,我的灵魂快点回应主的号召!我的脚要欢快奔跑!
- The distribution of relief material should be swift and methodical. 分发赈灾物品必须迅速而有条理。
- Subject transitions will be swift, quite, and orderly. 更换上课科目时,应安静、迅速、有秩序。
- This is Connie Swift with the second in our series on education and jobs. 现在是关于教育和就业系列节目之二,我是康妮.;斯威夫特。
- The dissolution of the empire was swift. 帝国迅速地瓦解了。
- The White House was swift to deny the rumours. 白宫立刻对这些传言予以否认。
- The fighter was swift and amazingly scientific. 拳击手动作敏捷,技术惊人。
- MOSSO will share the feeling of pride,active and swift with athletes and players. MOSSO努力与运动者、竞赛者享有骄傲、活跃、迅速的感觉。
- They have been swift to deny these rumors. 他们对于否定这些谣言是迅速的。
- THE reaction was swift, furious and unanimous. 各国对朝鲜核试验的反应是迅速、激烈及明确的。
- The Glade Riders and Warhawk Riders are swift and skilful beastmasters, striking with speed before the foe can react. 森林骑兵和战鹰骑士都能灵巧地驾驭他们的坐骑,从而能迅速地攻击敌人,致使其不能反攻。
- To move or flow swiftly with or as if with such a sound. 嗖嗖地飞快移动或流动。
- He was swift to condemn the violence/in condemning the violence. 他立即谴责了那种暴力行为.
- The study recommends that the implementation of tax regulations should be swift, timely, and groundbreaking. 就税法制定方面,建议法律释令的规范应更快速及时并兼具前瞻性。
- He was swift to see it and his face changed to gentleness. 艾希礼很快就感觉到这一点,脸色也就变得温和了。
- Her voice was swift, yet ever the last words fell lingeringly. 她的语速很快,然而最后的几句话却慢了下来。
- The state governor has appeared on television warning that perpetrators of mayhem would be swiftly dealt with. 该地区州长发表电视讲话说那些故意制造伤害事件的不法份子很快将会被绳之以法。
- A butterfly must not be confused with a moth. 不得将蝴蝶和飞蛾混同起来。