- Her eyes were swimming with tears. 她泪水盈眶。
- Her eyes are swimming with warm tears. 她的眼中满含热泪。
- Her eyes were swimming (with tears). 她泪眼汪汪.
- The bathroom floor was swimming with water. 浴室的地面上都是水.
- The deck was swimming with water. 甲板泡在水中了。
- be swimming with tears 泪水盈眶
- The urban renaissance was swimming with the tide of a new economic trend. 城市的文艺复兴伴随着一股经济趋势的新潮流。
- She read to him much from "The Princess," and often he saw her eyes swimming with tears, so finely was her aesthetic nature strung. 他见她眼里常噙着泪珠,便懂得了那诗篇是如何美妙地拨动了她天性中的审美琴弦。
- "Yes, my Lord," whispered Bellatrix, and her eyes swam with tears of gratitude again. "At the first chance! “是的,我的主人,”贝拉克里特斯轻声说,她的眼中再次充满了感激的泪花,“第一时间!
- Her eyes swim with tears. 她眼泪汪汪。
- His eyes (were) misted with tears. 他泪眼模糊了。
- I want to be in the swim with modern fashion. 我想顺应当今时尚潮流。
- His eyes moistened (with tears). 他的眼睛(给泪水)润湿了。
- Orn : Not me, I came all the way to the ocean, so I WILL swim in the ocean.Khun P, in that case, since you won't be swimming, can I borrow your huSBand to go swim with me? 我就不喜欢在泳池里,我喜欢在大海里畅游,若是那样的话,既然你不喜欢在海里游泳,我能借用一下你的丈夫和我在海里游泳吗?
- His eyes were blurred with tears. 泪水使他的眼睛一片模糊。
- He was swimming with appliances, a laptop computer, two mobile phones, several Orthodox icon badge, there are a few items of clothing, and carry 600 euros. 当时他拿着游泳用具,一台笔记本电脑,两部手机,几枚东正教圣像徽章,还有几件衣服,随身带着600欧元。
- Her eyes were clouded with tears. 泪水使她双眼变得模糊起来。
- Her eyes filmed over with tears. 她一双眼睛因泪水而模糊不清。
- I was swimming with my father. 我在和父亲一起游泳。
- She stood in a corner with tears rolling down(her face). 她站在角落里泪珠不断地顺着面颊滚落。