- Bones used to be used for writing. 过去人们曾用骨头来书写。
- Specifies the tip to be used to draw a Stroke. 指定用于绘制Stroke的笔尖。
- He used to be used to simple life. 他过去习惯于简朴的生活。
- That can be used to read the code to be compiled. 可用于读取要编译的代码。
- The people here seem to be used to the dizzy noise. 这里的人们似乎都习惯于令人头昏脑胀的噪音.
- He was used to being peered at on arriving in a strange town. 到一个陌生的城镇被人盯着看,他已习为常了。
- IP fax also allows e-mail to be used to send or receive faxes. IP传真还允许用电子邮件来传送或接收传真。
- Horses used to be used to pull cartloads of crops to the market. 过去总是用马把一车车的庄稼拉到市场去。
- The flagpole toppled over, and a crane bad to be used to erect it. 旗杆倒了,得用吊车把它竖起来。
- She was used to being made much of. 她习惯于受人奉承。
- Customers are used to being maltreated. 我们都经常遭遇劣质的客服。
- Television cameras are used to watch processes in places where it would be difficult or even dangerous for a human to be present, and that, more accurately. 电视摄像机能被用在人们亲临现场有困难甚至危险的地方去观察过程,而且观察更为准确。
- Sulphur can be used to make gunpowder. 硫磺可以用来制造火药。
- Specify the backup file to be used to initialize the destinations. 指定将用于初始化目的的备份文件。
- Sulfur can be used to make gunpowder. 硫磺可以用来制造火药。
- Whose site is to be used to access design-time services. 将使用其站点来访问设计时服务的。
- Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays. 现在激光可以用来做手术。
- Enter an account to be used to gain access to the selected domain. 输入要使用的帐户以访问选定的域。
- A crane had to be used to haul the elephant out of the trap. 人们不得不动用一辆吊车来拉出落在陷阱里的大象。
- The flagpole toppled over and a crane had to be used to erect it. 旗杆倒下了,必须用起重机将它扶直。