- Her face was void of all interest. 她面部表情显得对什麽都不感兴趣。
- His face was void of expression. 他的脸毫无表情。
- Suddenly the street was void of people. 街道上突然间空无一人。
- He was void of any of these feelings which actuate men to do good. 他缺乏任何促使人们行善的那种情绪。
- When "People" is our God, the world will be void of creativeness and productiveness. 假如人民就是上帝,世界就会失去创造力与生产力。
- Prose study and translation should not be void of musicality, or the aesthetic values of an essay will be paled. 散文研究与翻译必须充分考虑到语言的音乐美,优秀的散文翻译应该传达出原文语言的音乐美。
- When "People" is our God, the world will be void of creativeness and productiveness . 假如人民就是上帝,世界就会失去创造力与生产力。
- The press gallery has been void of the customary bulky desk. 记者席经常放着的大写字台被搬走了。
- He was void of any of these feelings which actuate men to do good . 他缺乏任何促使人们行善的那种情绪。
- The press gallery has been voided of the customary bulky desks. 记者席经常放着的大写字台被搬走了。
- That subject is void of interest. 那个题目没有趣味。
- That is when local growers bring fruit and vegetables that are void of the alterations needed when fruit is trucked over long distances. 那是是改变空隙需要的地方种植者带来水果和蔬菜当果子被交换在长的距离。
- That part of the town is completely void of interest for visitors. 城镇的那部分对游客完全没有吸引力。
- However, the Hawk roster will be void of a key component as sixth man Josh Childress decided to his game to Greece, for a substantial raise, instead of re-signing with the club. 然而,曾经的第六人JoshChildress在今天夏天做出了不再续约的决定,转投到希腊的一支球队,工资大幅地上涨,这让老鹰损失了一员大将。
- It's not like him to put forward suggestions wholly void of sense. 他才不会提毫无见识的建议呢。
- The sky was void of stars. 天空没有一颗星星。
- His suggestions are totally void of common sense. 他的建议完全缺乏常识。
- That novel is completely void of merit. 那部小说毫无价值。
- Maths is a subject void of interest. 数学是一门缺乏乐趣的科目。
- He put forward a proposal void of reason. 他提了个没有道理的建议。