- You should be well content with your daughter. 你应该对你的女儿感到满意。
- I'll be well equipped for a new task. 我将做好充分的准备迎接新的任务。
- That veteran worker must be well over sixty. 那位老工人准有60好几了。
- The manure should be well dug in. 在翻地时应把肥料均匀地混入土壤中。
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- It's always helpful to be well informed. 消息灵通总是有益的。
- Last week she ruined the whole job while trying to put right a small mistake, so this time she left well alone. 上个星期她在纠正一个小错误时把整个工作都搞砸了,所以这次她保持原样不动了。
- The lesson of this sad story should be well rubbed in. 这个悲惨故事的教训应反复强调使人们牢记。
- Any changes would be very difficult to make so it's better to leave well alone. 做任何改动都很困难,还是见好就收吧。
- The present system has worked satisfactorily, so why change it? My advice is to leave well alone. 目前这个制度执行情况令人满意,为什么要改变呢?我侍建议是听其自然。
- You would be well advised (ie sensible) to stay indoors. 你最好待在屋。
- She's in one of her moods; I'd leave well alone,if I were you. 她就是这样怒无常,我要是你的话,就不去理她。
- By now, the professor must be well on into his eighties. 现在那位教授一定有八十多岁了。
- The fit is momentary; upon a thought he will again be well. 发作是短暂的; 一会儿他就会好的。
- Better alone than have a false friend for company. 交损友,不如独身。
- We are well served with gas in this town. 这个城镇煤气供应得很好。
- You can avoid all kinds of trouble by letting well alone. 随遇而安就能避免种种麻烦。
- He'd be better off going to the police about it. 他最好把这件事报告警方。
- Better alone than in bad company. 宁可独处,勿交坏友。
- It will be better than you think for. 情况将比你预料的好。