- Italy has drawn up a series of rules that must be met for a Neapolitan pizza to be worthy of the name. 意大利起草了一系列规定,只有符合这些规定的匹萨饼才有资格用那不勒斯匹萨这个名字。
- The girls of the Chinese football team are worthy of the name "clangorous rose". 中国女足的姑娘们真不愧为“铿锵玫瑰”!
- They are all scientists worthy of the name. 他们都是名符其实的科学家。
- Yancheng is worthy of the name of the crab. 阳澄湖的大闸蟹是名副其实的美味。
- He is worthy of the name basketball. 他不愧为一个篮球队员。
- Li Ming is a model worker worthy of the name. 李明是一个名符其实的劳动模范。
- He tried to be worthy of the honor in which he was held. 他想努力做到名副其实。
- Her achievements are worthy of the highest praise. 她的成就值得给予最高赞赏.
- We esteem him to be worthy of trust. 我们认为他值得信任。
- No leader worthy of the name ever existed But was an optimist. 名副其实的领导人,历来都是乐观主义者。
- I did not esteem him to be worthy of trust. 我认为他不可信赖。
- That's a name he may be worthy of. 这个称呼他可能当之无愧。
- What should a party in power be like?What should a member of such a party be like if he is to be worthy of the name?How are we to judge whether its leadership is competent? 执政党应该是一个什么样的党,执政党的党员应该怎样才合格,党怎样才叫善于领导?
- A number of the report's findings are worthy of note. 这份报告里有些调查结果值得注意。
- Both the name and the main content of
anifest the law being worthy of the name. 《民办教育促进法》的名称和主要内容都表明它是名副其实的促进法,对照《社会力量办学条例》所作的若干修正。 - Their efforts are worthy of your support. 他们这样努力应得到你的支持。
- Be worthy of the trust of neighbor, and look upon him with a bright and friendly face. 信任邻居,以愉快、友善的脸面对他。
- In the meantime, it also is the rich origin of the microelement such as potassium magnesian zinc, be be worthy of the name " the king of the fruit " . 同时,它也是钾镁锌等微量元素的丰富来源,是名副其实的“水果之王”。
- So shall my works be acceptable, and I shall govern thy people justly, and shall be worthy of the throne of my father. 这样,我的工作必蒙悦纳,治理你的百姓可以公正,配坐我父亲的宝座。人无智慧,不能获得救恩。
- What combine and form information is all-around service network (FSN) , it is the revolution of a network of be worthy of the name. 一、网络革命的内涵与意义 现代通信、电子计算机、信息资源(信息内容)三者各自网络化及其相互渗透、连结。联合而形成信息的全方位服务网络(FSN),是名副其实的一场网络革命。