- He has been criticized on one hand and encouraged on the other. 他一方面受到批评,另一方面却受到鼓励。
- But Tom was criticized on account of his negligence of duty. 但汤姆因玩忽职守而挨了批评。
- He has been criticized on one hand and encouraged on the other. 他一方面受到批评,另一方面却受到鼓励。
- At one time birth control pills and heart transplants were criticized on the same grounds. 避孕药片和心脏移植一度出于与此相同的原因而遭受批评。
- The inquiry was critical of her work. 该项调查对她的工作提出了批评。
- Don't be critical of him; he is a beginner. "不要对他挑剔,他是初学者。"
- Our clients are very critical on quality. 我们的客户对商品的质量是很挑剔的。
- Don't be critical of him, for he is a beginner. 不要对他挑剔,他是个初学者。
- She had made up her mind to be critical. 她打定主意要找岔儿。
- His criticism on my mistakes is dead on the target. 他对我的错误提出批评,真是一针见血。
- There are critics on the backbenches and some junior ministers have quit, grumbling about Mr Brown's uncollegiate style. 对布朗非学院作法心怀不满,后座议员做出批评,一些年轻部长已经辞职。
- The use of electrostatic theorem to explain chemical bonding has been criticized on the grounds of that it hides the important role of kinetic energy in bonding. 应用静电定理以阐明化学成键,基于它隐藏了功能在成键中的重要作用,曾受到了批评。
- Removed flamethrower death critical on ballistic weapons. 去掉了火焰喷射器直接摧毁弹道武器的几率。
- It is much easier to be critical than to be correct. 批评家比保持正确容易得多。
- You seem to be critical of the chairman's political initiatives. 你似乎对主席政治上的积极行动持批评态度。
- I couched criticism on him in tactful language. 我用得体的语言向他提出了批评。
- You want your way, and can be critical of any authority. 你只要你的方式,进而可以批判任何权威。
- Surely all management studies should be critical in a sense. 当然,所有管理学在一定程度上是批判的。
- The shortcomings of the cadres and the masses as well as our own are to be criticized on the premise that their enthusiasm is protected, and in this way they will have plenty of push. 要在保护干部和人民群众积极性的根本条件下,批评他们的缺点,批评我们自己的缺点,这样,他们就有一股劲了。
- RUSKIN, JOHN (1819--1900) English critic on art, essayist and sociologist. 约翰·罗斯金(1819-1900)英国艺术评论家、散文家和社会学家。