- He was in favour of the declaration of a truce. 他赞成宣布停战。
- You seem to be in favour of a computerised life. 你看来偏好电脑化的生活?
- The evidence seems to be in favour of the defendant. 证据看来对被告有利。
- A straw vote indicated that most of the group are in favour of the proposal. 投票表明这个团体中的大多数人赞成这一建议。
- I am in favour of going to the theatre. 我赞成去看戏。
- I am in favour of your suggestion. 我支持你的建议。
- Those present were in favour of change. 在座的人都赞成变革。
- The students were in favour of reform. 学生们都赞成改革。
- The majority were in favour of the proposal. 大多数人赞成这个建议。
- The people who are in favour of the plan have it. 赞成这个规划的人占多数。
- Those present were in favour of a change. 出席的人都赞成改一改。
- I am in favour of the suggestion. 我赞同这个建议。
- Some are in favour of it, some are against it. 有的赞成, 有的反对。
- The majority of people are in favour of the proposed legislation. 大多数人赞成已提出来的立法。
- Of course, not everyone was in favour of reform at the outset. 当然,开始的时候,并不是所有的人都赞成改革。
- Most of them are in favour of actually abolishing the brigade. 多数同志主张,实际上是把大队一级取消。
- The majority were in favour of the plan,but a few demurred. 大多数人赞成这项计划,但几个人反对。
- Some MPs are in favour of putting down the resolution. 若干下院议员赞成把这一决议案列入议事日程。
- All the affiliated organizations are in favour of the plan. 所有的分支机构都赞成该计划。
- Of course,not everyone was in favour of reform at the outset. 当然,开始的时候,并不是所有的人都赞成改革。