- She was possessed by the desire to be rich. 她被致富的欲望所支配。
- She seemed to be possessed (by the devil). 她好像著了魔似的。
- One who is or seems to be possessed by a demon. 着魔的人被(或看上去象被)魔鬼控制的人
- He was possessed with a monster. 他被一个怪物缠上了。
- Her aunt said she was possessed by devils. 她姑妈说她被魔鬼迷住了。
- His family was possessed of a large fortune. 他家拥有大笔财富。
- He was possessed of great self-confidence. 他极有自信。
- She was possessed by a desire to be rich. 她一心想发财。
- It is believed that people can be possessed by evil spirits. 据说人能中邪。
- Can the Modern Architecture Be Possessed of Regional Features? 现代建筑有地域特色吗?
- Yes, his friends thought he might be possessed by a fiend. 是的,他的朋友都认为他被魔鬼附身。
- Love is not possess or be possess , for it is sufficient in itself. 爱不是被占有也不是占有因为爱是在爱中满足的!)
- He thought he was possessed with an evil spirit. 他认为自己被鬼魂附了身。
- Her mother said she was possessed by devils. 她妈妈说她被魔鬼迷住了。
- He was possessed of good health. 他身体很好。
- Love possesses not would it be possessed. 爱,不占有也不被占有。
- They believed she was possessed by devils. 他们认为她是魔鬼附身。
- Men of millions are possessed with the idea. 几百万人都具有这种思想。
- He was possessed with a pornographic novel. 他迷上一本黄色小说
- John was possessed of great wealth. 约翰家财万贯。