- Beads of sweat stood on his forehead. 他额上有滴滴汗珠。
- Beads of sweat rained down his cheeks. 汗珠像雨点一般从他的两颊流下。
- There were beads of sweat on his forehead. 他的脑门上挂满汗珠。
- Beads of sweat were beginning to dot his forehead. 汗珠开始布满他的前额。
- His face was covered with beads of sweat. 他满脸汗珠。
- Beads of sweat dripped from his nose. 汗珠从他的鼻梁上流下来。
- Beads of sweat were dripping down from his face. 他脸上的汗珠子一颗颗往下掉。
- A big bead of sweat rolls down from his forehead. 一颗大大的汗珠从他的额头滚落下来。
- Pete felt a bead of sweat trickle down his face. 皮特感觉到一颗汗珠从他脸上流下。
- Concerned assistant wipes beads of sweat from his furrowed brow. 细心的助手为他擦去额头的汗水。
- She ran and ran with beads of sweat running down her face. 她不停地跑,汗珠顺着脸流下来。
- His face was ashen now, and beads of sweat broke out on his temples. 他的脸色倏又转为灰白,汗珠布满了他的额角。
- The sun was at its fiercest and beads of sweat kept rolling down his face. 那时太阳正毒,晒得他汗珠直往下滚。
- I waited.The heat was beginning to scorch my cheeks;beads of sweat were gathering in my eyebrows. 我等着,太阳晒得我两颊发烫,我觉得汗珠聚在眉峰上。
- When speaking, the beads of sweat have been Douda from Hao Cheng Guang Kuankuan overflow on the forehead. 说话的时候,斗大的汗珠一直不断从郝程光宽宽的额头上溢出。
- The puller's single piece of clothing is tattered, yet beads of sweat fall from him. 车夫单衣已破,他却汗珠儿颗颗往下堕。
- That's Damon at his best, Derek Jeter said -- drawing glances from pitchers and causing that extra bead of sweat to form around the bill of their caps. 队长说:这是大门拿手绝活,让投手分心且让他们的帽沿形成了一连串的汗水。
- Victor's appearance startled the Priest;the boy was extremely pale and disheveled, a bead of sweat on his trembling upper lip, breathing heavily, almost panting. 维克托的样子让神父有点吃惊,这孩子面色极度苍白,衣冠凌乱不整,瑟瑟发抖的上唇有一滴汗珠,还不停地喘着粗气。
- Straining down the road, the men towing the fast junk wore only thin tunics, open in front.They were bent far forward, pulling, pulling, pulling, great beads of sweat dripping from their brows. “塘路”上拉纤的快班船上的绍兴人只穿了一件蓝布单衫,敞开了大襟,弯着身子拉,额角上黄豆大的汗粒落到地下。
- Suddenly, his eyes opened wide, bloodshot eyes that stared fixedly as if in a trance, and tiny beads of sweat began breaking out on his forehead as he remembered the horror of his dream. 猛地他睁开眼来了,血红的眼球定定地发怔,细汗渐渐布满了额角。梦里的事情太使他心惊。