- beam wireless communication 定向无线电通信, 无线电测向
- Wireless communication of EEG signal. 脑电信号无线通信;
- China Techfaith Wireless Communication Technology Ltd. 手机设计公司中国德信无线通讯技术有限公司。
- Application of wireless communication technology in D. C. 无线通讯技术在配送中心的应用。
- Especially, high-speed DACs are needed in the area of wireless communication. 特别是在无线通信等领域,需要用到高速的数模转换器。
- Reseach and Application of GPRS MODEM Based on Wireless Communication Module. 基于无线通信模块的。
- Protocol software is an important software in wireless communication system. 协议软件是无线通信系统中很重要的软件。
- The paper also analyzes maximal ratio combining (MRC) macrodiversity in a virtualized wireless communication system. 接着着重分析了虚拟无线通信系统在最大比宏分集方面的性能。
- Current wireless communications are just too slow,some experts say. 有些专家说,目前的无线通信太慢。
- We focus on the wireless communications and LCD industries. 申良致力于无线通讯和LCD产业。
- The design is very suitable for wireless communication systems which work in ISM frequency band. 所设计的软硬件接口非常适合在ism频段的无线通信系统中应用。
- Ultra Wide Band technology is a very attractive technology of wireless communication. 超宽带技术是目前无线通信中非常有发展前途的技术。
- Typical wireless communication system RF circuits comprise a large number of linear and non-linear components. 典型的无线通信系统RF电路由大量的线性和非线性元器件组成。
- All wireless communication is vulnerable to DOS as someone can deliberately jam the frequency. 所有无线通信对于DOS都是易受攻击的,因为有人可以故意干扰该频率。
- This paper introduced to realize wireless communication between the district collector,S7200,and the host computer through GPRS fictitious serial port. 文章介绍通过GPRS虚拟串口通信方式,以S7200作为小区采集器与远程监控主机实现无线通信。
- This paper introduces a sensor system of wireless communication for acceleration measurement. 介绍了一种无线数传集成加速度传感系统。
- In the area of wireless communication, Euclidean figures which take up finite room are adopted almost in all antennas. 目前为止,在无线通信领域中,通常所采用的天线其几何外观大都是占据一定三维空间的欧几里德图形。
- Based on the Micro-robot soccer system, this paper describes the vision subsystem and wireless communication subsytem. 摘要在构筑微型机器人足球系统的基础上,开发了视觉子系统和无线通讯子系统。
- An eigen-mode method is adopted to investigate the spatial degrees of freedom for MIMO wireless communication systems. 摘要采用本征模式方法研究了多天线无线通信的空间自由度问题。
- Today's trend in the wireless communications is toward flexible transmitters. 现今通讯系统也已经走向弹性化的设计。