- We bore down upon the enemy's right flank. 我们向敌人右翼压过去。
- A storm was bearing down upon Iceland. 一场风暴正向冰岛逼来。
- The matron bore down upon the terrified nurses. 护士长逼近了那些惊慌的护士们。
- A tall olive skinned figure bore down upon us. 一座高大的橄榄色雕像压在我们身上。
- I cannot bear to see a bear. Bear down upon a hare. When bare of hair he strips the hare, right there I cry, "Forbear! 我不忍心看着一只熊一步一步向一只野兔逼近。当熊差不多将兔子毛都拔掉时,我大叫:"忍耐啊!
- A large enemy force is bearing down upon the border. 大军压境。
- The policeman bore down upon the robber when he took out a knife. 警察逼近盗贼时,他拔出了刀子。
- The colorful streamers,how many dreams have bore down upon it? 五色经幡,究竟承载了多少梦想?
- Perhaps. Perhaps, see the great crowd of people with its rush and roar, bearing down upon them, too. 也许会的,也许。 你看那疾走呼号的巨大人群正向他们逼来。
- An overwhelming sense of his own unworthiness suddenly bore down upon with crushing force, as he thought of this. 他想到这里,一阵觉得自己真是拙劣,这种感觉横冲直撞地扑上他的心头。
- Another couple bore down upon them at precisely the wrong moment, jostling them out of steps. 真是不巧,这会儿另外有一对舞侣冲到他们身上,把他们一撞,弄得乱了步子。
- After his parents died, responsibility for his three younger sisters bore down upon the young man. 双亲去世后, 照顾三个妹妹的重担就压在这个年轻人的肩上。
- The nurse will tell you when to bear down. 护士会告诉你分娩过程中什么时候该用力。
- After the boys threw the snowballs they saw a large lady bearing down upon them from across the street. 男孩子们投了雪球后,只见对面一个身材高大的妇女冲他们走来。
- A third of the army is bearing down upon the barricades in which you now are.There is the National Guard in addition. 三分之一的军队压在你们所在的这个街垒上,还有国民自卫军。
- He was surrounded, the looming shapes of his foes bearing down upon him.His hair was unkempt and frazzled, his calloused hands cut and stained. 他已经被包围了,他敌人的影子压倒在他身上,他的头发蓬乱,显得很疲惫,他干硬的手上满是裂缝和污迹。
- He shut down upon his anger and sat down. 他压住心头的怒火坐了下来。
- He is able to bear down all difficulties in his studies. 他能够克服学习中所出现的一切困难。
- The castle frowned down upon the field. 城堡呈威压之势俯视原野。
- As Rudolf was sailing from one town to the next along a sparsely settled shore, the northeast turned black and menacing. A storm was bearing down upon Iceland. 是“东北方”,我把它翻译成了“东北方的天空”,为了使逻辑更严谨一些:“那时鲁道夫正驾船从一个城镇驶往下一个城镇,而沿岸又很少有能够靠岸的地方,东北方的天空险恶地阴沉了下来。”