- We have noted your letter of August 5 under the above caption. 我们注意到你方上述标题下的八月五日来信。
- I hereby declare that the information given above is true. I shall bear the legal responsibility for the above information. 我保证以上内容真实合法。如有不实之处,本人愿意承担由此导致的法律责任。
- I hereby declare that the information given above is true, correct and complete. I shall bear the responsibility for the above information. 我谨声明本人已如实和完整地填写了上述内容并对此负责
- Despite the above cases will be the last time unredressed injustice, he still bear the overall situation, they do not care about personal grudges. 段会宗尽管上次受到了不白之冤,他却仍忍辱负重顾全大局,不计较个人恩怨。
- I can't bear the harshness of the noise. 我受不了这些刺耳的噪音。
- We have noted your letter of August 5 under the above caption 我们注意到你方上述标题下的八月五日来信。
- The President has to bear the blame. 总统难辞其咎。
- The above price includes your commission of2%. 上述价格包括百分之二的佣金在内。
- The above price excludes your commission. 上述价格不包括佣金在内。
- During my stay in England, I myself will bear the living expenses. 我在英国逗留期间,一切生活费用由我本人担负。
- The above prices are quoted without engagement on our part. 请你们选择决定上述报价我方均不受约束。
- I can't bear the stresses and strains of modern life. 我不能忍受现代生活的压力和紧张。
- John bears the bell in all track events at school. 约翰在学校里的各个径赛项目中都赢得第一名。
- Is born the latter more than months to have the above symptom possibly is the newborn dacryocystitis, displays for the eye tearful, the pollution, looked that the thing is fuzzy. 出生后一个多月出现以上症状则可能是新生儿泪囊炎,表现为眼泪汪汪、浑浊、看东西模糊。
- His face bears the stamp of suffering. 他的脸上有饱经苦难的烙印。
- She had to bear the brunt of the criticisms. 她不得不承受批评的压力。
- The above definition is set in roman; this example is in italics. 上面的定义用的是正体字排印的,本例句用的是斜体。
- The company bears the legal cost of both parties. 公司负担双方当事人的法律费用。
- I saw a tombstone bearing the date 1602. 我见到一块刻有1602年字样的墓碑。
- He had to bear the brunt of the blame. 他只好成为众矢之的。