- A metal bearing assembly for sizing procedure of subminiature vibrating motors. 金属轴承装置;尺寸适合超小型振动马达.
- The structure of the main shaft bearing assembly can decide its using conditions. 主轴轴承的结构形式又决定了螺杆钻具的使用条件。
- Tightening down on special tool will push wheel stud out of the hub and bearing assembly flangRemove lug nut from stud and remove wheel stud from flange. 上紧特殊工具,即可将车轮螺桩推出轮毂及轴承组件。自螺桩取下凸缘螺帽并自凸缘取出车轮螺桩。
- The hub and bearing assembly does not require removal from the steering knuckle to replace wheel attaching studs in the hub and bearing assembly. 更换轮毂及轴承组件内的车轮固定螺桩无需自转向关节中取出轮毂及轴承组件。
- The part of the axle ex-tending beyond the bearing assembly is either splined or tapered to a wheel hub and brake drum assembly. 的部分车轴前往往超出了轴承装配要么花键或锥形的轮毂和制动鼓组装。
- Zhejiang Yuhuai Chengwei Automobile Fittings Factory professionally produces clutch platen, clutch disc, clutch release bearing as well as clutch release bearing assembly. 浙江省玉环程维汽车配件厂是一家专业生产制造离合器压盘、合器从动盘的厂家。
- Bearing can support the force with large length. Independent bearing assembly has lubricating slots on both the top and bottom of it making repairs and maintenance convenient. 轴承支承长度大,承载性能更好;轴承座为独立式,没有上下注油通道,操作、维护方便。
- Yuhuan Zhongbei Automobile Fittings Factory professionally produces clutch platen, clutch disc, clutch release bearing as well as clutch release bearing assembly. 玉环中北汽车配件厂是一家专业生产制造离合器压盘、离合器从动盘的厂家。
- Inner Bearing Assembl of Rear. 后轮毂内轴承总成。
- Transfer, or install if necessary, a new hub/bearing assembly into the steering knucklRefer to Hub And Bearing Assembly Service in this section of the service manual for the required removal and installation procedure for the front hub/bearing assembly. 转移或视需要安装新的轮毂轴承组件至转向关节。请参阅维修手册本单元轮毂轴承组件之维修中的前轮毂轴承组件拆卸与安装程序。
- Our company is the earliest design, production semi-trailer bearing assembly, suspension systems, axle assemblies, spare movements, the General Bus accessories business. 我公司是国内最早设计,生产半挂车支承总成,悬架系统,车桥总成,备胎升降器,客车配件的综合型企业。
- The problems existing in reform of the upper side bearings assembly on present freight cars and the causes are analyzed. 分析了既有货车提速改造上旁承组装存在的问题及原因,并提出了相应的解决措施。
- The slide bearing assembled in middle segment is separated from sewage by inside pipe. 中间节设有由内导管将污水隔离的滑动导轴承。
- The outer and inside of bearing assemble maze &sealed ring which has the effect of water resistance and dust resistance. 产品成品在精确度高的装配架上装配而成,具有同心度高、不跑带的特点。
- Hub And Bearing Assembly Mounting Surfaces 轮毂轴承组件固定面
- An Automatic Machine for Bearing Assembly 全自动轴承装配机研制的关键技术
- Adopt VC6.0 and OLE to realize automatic loading bearing assembling drawing and part drawing under AutoCAD circumstance and execute uniform management on these drawings. 采用VC6.;0,应用OLE技术,自动装入轴承装配图、零件图,实现对设计图的统一管理。
- It seems so absurd to bear malice after all that. 经过这一切之后还抱有怨恨情绪是很荒谬的。
- The old veteran had a martial bearing. 那老兵具有威武的仪表。
- The grease lubricated bearing assemblies are built with special heat resistant seals on the roll sides to prevent leakage and to ensure a long bearing life at high temperature. 油脂润滑的轴承组件,经过特殊的防热密封设计,可防止泄露并保证高热环境下的高使用寿命。