- The children were shouting to beat the band. 孩子们的叫嚷声震天价响。
- The baby was crying to beat the band. 婴儿大声啼哭。
- Last night we were partying to beat the band. 昨晚我们聚在一起简直玩疯了。
- The fire engines were going down the road to beat the band. 救火车风驰电掣般地一路呼啸而去。
- My millionaire grandfather left all his money to research into proving that the pyramids in Egypt were built by visitors from outer space. That beats the band! 我祖父生前是一百万富翁,他把自己的全部资财遗赠出来,用以考证埃及金字塔是天外来客建造的这一臆断是否成立。
- Yeah, the other team really played to beat the band. 是呀,另一支球队踢得又快又猛。
- The banker's brass band began to play to beat the band. 银行家的管乐队开始精力充沛的演奏。
- He left when the band began to beat out pop music. 乐队一奏起流行音乐他就走了。
- Don't worry about waking Tom. He can sleep to beat the band,that one. 别担心会吵醒汤姆,他会睡得像头死猪一样(烂醉如泥)的,他这个人呀。
- Don't worry about waking Tom. He can sleep to beat the band, that one. 别担心会吵醒汤姆,他会睡得像头死猪一样(烂醉如泥)的,他这个人呀。
- But even the band seemed to know what she was feeling and played more softly , played tenderly , and the drum beat “the Brute !The Brute!” over and over . 但是乐队好像知道她的感受,演奏的更轻松/更柔和,鼓声一遍又一遍地敲出”这个畜牲!这个畜牲!”
- The band played a military march. 乐队吹奏军队进行曲。
- He beat the traitor to the draw and shot him dead. 他抢先拔出手枪,将叛徒击毙。
- His old woman really beat the drum last night. 他的老婆昨晚着实太吵大嚷了一场。
- He beat the prisoner with a lash. 他用鞭子抽打囚犯。
- Every member of the band must follow the beat. 乐队的每个成员都必须跟着拍子演奏。
- She will attempt to beat the world record. 她决心要打破世界纪录。
- It's raining to beat the band. 雨下得真猛。
- His shot beat the goalkeeper neck and crop. 守门员根本挡不住他射门。
- The band drowned our conversation. 乐队的演奏声把我们谈话的声音淹没了。