- beat frequency amplifier 拍频放大器
- I am majored in audio frequency amplifier. 我主修音频放大器。
- Ciliary beat frequency measurement of cultured human nasal epithelial cellsSONG Xiao-hong, et al. 体外培养的人鼻腔黏膜纤毛摆动频率的测量。
- Simultaneously we append a high frequency amplifier in the high frequency sector, in order to recover the reduction of the gain in the new system. 同时,在改进后雷达的高频部分增加高频放大器,以抵消天线改进后引起的增益下降。
- Ciliary beat frequency of different cilia is equal on the same cell, it is also equal from uncinate process and inferior turbinate. 同一来源的体外培养的钩突和下鼻甲的纤毛摆动频率是相同的。
- Brillouin enhanced four wave mixing, whose interference beat frequency drives an acoustic field, can improve the SBS phase conjugation fidelity. 采用四波混频加强SBS的方法,其相干拍频驱动声子场,能提高SBS相位共轭保真度。
- Select frequency amplifier in this paper constitute LPF(Low-Pass Filter) and HPF(High-Pass Filter).It is easy to adjust and to design because there is less parameter. 本课题设计的选频电路由高通滤波电路和低通滤波电路级联组成,电路参数较少,易于设计和调节。
- An acousto-optic deflector(AOD)driven by a beat frequency signal generated two overlap gratings inside the acousto-optic(AO)crystal and diffracted the incident laser beam into two first-order beams. 该系统利用拍频信号驱动声光偏转器,在声光晶体中形成两个重叠的光栅,光源发出的激光以布拉格角入射,形成两束一级衍射光,经透镜聚焦形成光强按正弦规律分布的结构光条纹。
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。
- double-tuned intermediate frequency amplifier 双调谐中频放大器
- FET high frequency amplifier circuit 场效应管高放电路
- beat frequency interference pattern 拍频干扰图样
- Broad Band intermediate frequency amplifier 宽带中频放大器
- Single-tuned intermediate frequency amplifier 单调谐中频放大器
- He left when the band began to beat out pop music. 乐队一奏起流行音乐他就走了。
- The cruel master beat his slaves with a whip. 残酷的主人鞭打他的奴隶。
- The ship beat back against a monsoon. 船逆着季风艰难地行驶。
- Stagger-tuned intermediate frequency amplifier 参差调谐中频放大器
- intermediate frequency amplifier 中频放大器
- He is badly beat up by a gang of thug. 他被一帮暴徒打得死去活来。