- beauty pageant show 选美节目
- Let the value visible design, design rejected beauty pageant. 设计要让价值看得见,设计拒绝选美。
- Shoo-in for She was a shoo-in for the Beauty Pageant. 她是这次选美的大热门。
- The gerewol, or male beauty pageant, is also a test of stamina. 或者说是美男赛会,同时也是对精力的一种考验。
- She beat out 14 other lovlies to win the beauty pageant. 她击败了其他14美女,赢得选美比赛。
- Orly, an Israeli beauty pageant winner who goes by her first name, countersued. 不愿意透露自己的姓氏的奥莉是一位以色列选美大赛的得主。
- televised beauty pageant shows 电视选美节目
- This is a type of beauty pageant similar to Miss America but the participants are all young Chinese-American women. 这是一种类似于“美国小姐”大赛的选美活动,只不过所有参加者都是年轻的华裔美国女性。
- In this international beauty pageant, the participants displayed the beauty and wisdom of the female. 在这次国际选美比赛中,参赛者展示了女性的美丽和智慧。
- "What's interesting about this film is, who's worst in it?" Rickman says."It's not a beauty pageant of nice people. “这部片子最有意思的地方”,里克曼告诉我们,“在于每个人表面上都不怎么好,而你得找出那个最坏的。”
- Katie compete s in beauty pageants. 凯蒂的比赛是庆典表演.
- Harvard's online Freeze College magazine holds a beauty pageant for newly enrolled male students every year. 哈佛校园网络杂志“冰冻校园”每年都要举办一次哈佛新入校男生的“选美大会”。
- It's some freakish garish beauty pageant that has nothing, frankly to do with health and welfare. 它是某种奇特扎眼的选美,坦率地说与健康和福利毫无关系。”
- Miss World pageant is an international beauty pageant founded in the United Kingdom by Eric Morley in 1951. 世界小姐大赛是埃里克·莫利于1951年在英国发起的一项国际选美盛事。
- The winner of the first-ever beauty pageant held in 1888 in Belgium was a girl from Guadeloupe. 举行在1888年比利时的第一届永远美女盛典就是个来自瓜德罗普岛的美女获得了冠军。
- June : I've entered the county beauty pageant, and I want to look my best for the big day. 琼:我参加了县市选美比赛,我想在那天展现最佳状态。
- More than 10,000 camels from across the Gulf will be competing for millions of dollars in prize money at a beauty pageant for the "ship of the desert" in Abu Dhabi this week. (阿联酋首都)阿布扎比将于本周为具有“沙漠之舟”之称的骆驼举行选美大赛。届时,来自海湾各国的一万多头骆驼将参加选美,大赛的奖金总额达数百万美元。
- She is the former runner-up in the Miss Brazil beauty pageant who broke John McCain's heart when she refused to emigrate to America and marry him. 最近,媒体挖出了美国共和党总统竞选人麦凯恩一段昔日恋情。年轻时,麦凯恩曾到巴西休假,爱上一个漂亮女孩,于是恳求她移民美国并嫁给自己,可惜被拒。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- This is an outrageous comedy about seven days in the life of two girls Leung and Ling, who want to skyrocket to the top by entering a beauty pageant. 七月是选美的旺季,各方佳丽都摩拳擦掌,改头换面,准备展开一年一度的比赛。