- Nothing can weaken his resolve to become a lawyer. 什么也动摇不了他要当律师的决心。
- He overcame many hurdles to become a lawyer. 他克服了许多困难成为一名律师。
- My son hopes to graduate in law, so as to become a lawyer. 我的儿子希望在大学攻读法律毕业成为律师。
- He hopes his son to graduate in law, so as to become a lawyer. 他希望他儿子获得法学学位,以便当个律师。
- He is dreaming of becoming a lawyer. 他梦想着成为律师。
- We never imagined that David would become a lawyer. 我们从来没有想象过,大卫居然会成为一名律师。
- His decision to become a lawyer was a smart move. 他做出的当律师的决定是明智的一步。
- If I become a lawyer, I'll be able to help people. 假如我成为律师,我将能帮助人们。
- He intended to have become a lawyer. 他本来打算当律师。
- What qualifications do you need to become a lawyer? 当律师需要什麽资格?
- He had intended to become a lawyer. 他想当律师。
- Mizuki is a girl who wants to become a lawyer. 水木是一个女孩谁想成为一名律师。
- She became a lawyer as her father had before her. 像她父亲先前一样,她成了一名律师。
- He conformed to parents'wishes and became a lawyer. 他符合了父母的愿望成为了一名律师。
- I often dream of becoming a lawyer. 我时常梦想成为一名律师。
- My son hopes to graduate in law,so as to become a lawyer. 我的儿子希望在大学攻读法律毕业成为律师。
- He do not follow his father's advice and become a lawyer instead. 他没有听从父亲的劝告,反去做了一名律师。
- He hopes his son to graduate in law,so as to become a lawyer. 他希望他儿子获得法学学位,以便当个律师。
- The decision to become a lawyer is a highly persona. 选择成为一名律师。
- Vera is studying law because she wants to become a lawyer. 维拉正在学习法律, 因为她想当律师。