- Behave toward him like gentlemen! 请对他以君子之风相待!
- He wanted to know how abominably they could behave towards him. 他希望能知道他们能用什么样的卑鄙手段来对付他。
- He behaved towards her as a father. 他像父亲一样对待她。
- Can the arts actually improve the way peoples and nations understand and behave toward each other? 可实际上艺术更好地和各国人民的理解和行为向对方?
- White policemen are now careful of how they speak and behave towards their fellow black citizens. 白人警察现在十分注意自己对黑人公民的言行举止。
- He behaved towards her with great familiarity. 他对她十分亲昵。
- Because of this belief, the Madagascans are very careful about how they behave toward chameleons. 正因为这种相信,马达加斯加人对如何对待变色龙十分小心。
- The idea is to see whether such smells can nevertheless change the way that people behave towards others. 这种观点就是查看是否这样的气味能改变人们对其他人的行为。
- He taught her how to trim a lamp, how to behave toward people according to their differing temperaments, and how to conduct herself before visitors. 他教她如何装饰灯,如何对待不同性情的人,如何在来访者面前约束自己。
- Bob behaved towards Kate with too great familiarity. 鲍勃对凯特过分亲昵。
- They were afraid that their own vassals would behave toward them as they had toward the Zhou Emperor, breaking their oaths of allegiance and demanding their autonomy. 他们害怕他们的臣子也会依葫芦画瓢,违背其誓言而自治。
- How did he behave towards you? 他如何对待你?
- The way she behaved towards him was utterly ruthless. 她对待他真是无情至极。
- I hope you will behave with decorum at the funeral. 我们希望你在葬礼上做到得体有礼。
- To Behave towards others with generosity 待人厚道
- The mother bade the child behave himself. 妈妈叮咛孩子要守规矩。
- I'll trust you to behave responsibly while I'm out. 我相信你在我外出期间会认真办事的。
- He appeared with the same mind with which humankind respectfully behaved toward God. 耶稣所秉持的心情,与人类虔敬地侍奉敬拜神的心情是一样的。
- Behave yourself or I'll give you a thick ear! 你放规矩一些,不然我就揍你!
- Researchers said they came to this conclusion after watching how elephants on a Kenyan game reserve behaved towards a matriarch(3) who fell ill and died. 研究人员说他们是在观察了肯尼亚保护区里的大象如何对待病逝的“女家长”后得出这一结论的。