- Influence to Wang Wei After Being Banished to Jizhou 试论被贬济州对王维的影响
- being banished to Jizhou 被贬济州
- He was banished to Devil's Island. 他被流放到魔岛。
- Napoleon was banished to Elba in 1814. 拿破仑在 1814 年被放逐到厄尔巴岛。
- He knew he'd been banished to the tower of doom. 他知道他不得不被驱逐到末日之塔。
- He was banished to the border area. 他被发配边疆充军。
- He was banished to an uninhabited island for a year. 他被放逐到一个无人居住的荒岛一年。
- He was banished to Australia, where he died five years later. 他被流放到澳大利亚,五年后在那里去世。
- No longer content with being banished to the shadows, moving among mortals who never truly see him for what he is, Lestat has reinvented himself as the closest thing to a god on Earth: a rock star. 按照华纳公司的说法:第二部的主线是里斯特,第三部则是一位“女王”。把“女王”与里斯特放在好莱坞的金质天秤上称一称,华纳自然要选择高贵、优雅、焕发着诱人的古铜色光芒的“女王”来作为这部男性生殖器疾病图影片的主力卖点。
- Modern buildings -- such as supermarkets -- are banished to the outskirts or obliged to fit in with the architecture of the town center. 如超级市场这样的现代建筑会被迁到郊区或是要求与市中心的建筑保持一致的风格。
- The ones exiled to the Lingnan region committed more serious crimes than those who were banished to the Yangzhou areas. 一般而言,流徙地的选择与犯行的严重性,有某种程度的关连性。
- However, his wife found the pill, took it, and was banished to the moon as a result. 结果,射手的妻子发现了这颗药,吃了以后便漂到月亮上去了。
- Even if you have been banished to the most distant land under the heavens, from there the Lord your God will gather you and bring you back. 你被赶散的人,就是在天涯的,耶和华你的上帝也必从那里将你招聚回来。
- Another legend gives us the name for coffee or "mocha." An Arabian was banished to the desert with his followers to die of starvation. 另一种传说,给我们的名字,喝杯咖啡或"首页"一个阿拉伯被放逐到沙漠中,与他的追随者饿死的。
- After scorning the scientific work of the colonel who headed the institute, Mr.Solzhenitsyn was banished to a desolate penal camp in Kazakhstan called Ekibastuz. 在嘲笑领导研究院科学工作的上校后,他被发配到卡萨克斯坦一座名为艾基巴斯图茨的荒凉集中营。
- This determined green worm reminded me of Sisyphus in Greek mythology, who was banished to Hell after death and punished by having to roll a large rock up a mountain. 这固执坚韧的小青虫使我想起了希腊神话中的西西弗。西西弗死后被打入地狱,并被罚苦役:推石上山。
- He incarnated onto the Earth plane when the Asorahs, who had been banished to the earth caused so much destruction the humans prayed to Vishnu for help. 当阿修罗被流放到地上,引发很多破坏的时候,他就在地上形成化身,人们就向毗瑟奴祷告和求助。
- According to the folklore, Love and Lovers were to serve the Jade Emperor and the Goddess of Mercy, as they violated the regulations of paradise, were banished to the earth. 民间传说,梁山伯、祝英台是侍奉玉帝和观音菩萨的一对金童玉女,由于他们在天上违犯天规,被贬到了人间。
- He was eventually banished to the UK. 最终他被放逐到英国。
- The captain was banished and sent back to Spain. 船长被驱逐并送返西班牙。