- Be cautious in doing such a matter! 做这样事情要慎重从事!
- being cautious in war 慎战
- The government has been cautious in its response to the report. 政府对此报道反应谨慎。
- Jane had been cautious in her praise of Mr. Bingley before. 洁英本来并不轻易赞扬彬格先生。
- be cautious in war 慎战
- As the stock market is full of risks, the investor must be cautious in trading stocks. 因为股市充满风险,股民炒股须谨慎。
- New investors also need to be cautious in choosing suitable investment products. 新投资者还需要小心选择适合的投资产品。
- In dealing with the problem he was cautious to an extreme. 他在处理这个问题时谨慎得过分了。
- However, Mr Greenspan made only a brief formal statement on the economy and was cautious in his comments. 然而,格林斯潘先生对经济状况的正式陈述很简短,评论很谨慎。
- He is cautious in his choice of words. 他措辞很谨慎。
- "I hope they'll be more cautious in future, " he observed. 他说:"我希望他们今后能更慎重一些。"
- Be cautious in making interpretation from the scores and careful in not using the scores purely to satisfy administrative purposes. 在解释智力测验分数的时候必须谨慎,并避免纯粹为了满足管理上的目的。
- People might be cautious about believing this statement. 不过人们可能不会轻易相信这种说法。
- Thus we are cautious in the near term on US equities, though valuations levels are sound and offer a buffer on the down side. 由此,我们对短期的美国股市持谨慎态度,尽管估值水平仍然良好并为下跌提供了缓冲。
- Be cautious about including passwords in scripts. 在脚本中使用口令要小心。(可能有安全问题嘛!
- "One has to be cautious in interpreting a study like this," Geda said."One cannot make a leap from group level data to the individual. 报道说,痴呆是一种神经疾病,会影响人们的思考、讲话、记忆和行动过程。
- Last year, on May 30, management has repeatedly reminded investors that stock market risk, the need to be cautious in the market, caveat emptor. 去年5月30日前,管理层一再提醒投资者,股市有风险,入市需谨慎,买者自负。
- Infantry still plays an important part in war. 步兵在战争中仍然起著重要的作用。
- Therefore, when using two emulsus innovativeink or reactive ink, downtime eraser in time, and be cautious in the expired inks and ink left. 所以,在搁置两液型油不朱或不正答型油不朱时,停机后给准时擦版,并慎用功期油不朱和剩不朱。
- Be cautious when landing in unfamiliar territory. 出门在外,多加小心。