- bellows type pressure gage 膜盒式压力计
- Bellows type pressure gauge 膜合压力计
- Pressure gauges shall generally be bourdon tube or bellows type. 现场压力表应通常是波登管或波纹管型。
- Glycerine Bath Type Pressure Gauge 国外仪器仪表甘油浴型压力计
- Bourdon tube type pressure gauge 波尔登管式压力表
- vibrating string type pressure gauge 振弦压力计
- piston type pressure gauge for load 负荷活塞式压力表
- Hall generator type pressure gauge 霍尔发生器式压力表
- piston type pressure gage 活寒式压力计
- float type pressure gage 浮式压力计
- Only valves such as packless diaphragm or bellows type should be used. 只能使用无衬垫膈膜阀或波纹管阀。
- Deformation Correction Factor Setting Analysis for Piston Type Pressure gages 活塞式压力计变形修正系数取值分析
- Pilot operated valves shall be considered for back pressures greater than 40% of set pressure if more favourable de-rating factors result in a valve smaller than a bellows type. 如果更多有利的非测定因子导致阀门小于波纹管类型的,对于背压大于设定压力的40%25的,应考虑辅助操作阀。
- The key factors affecting the stagnation point position of L-type pipeline section are the setting position of bellows type expansion joint and the bend angle degree. 影响水平转角管段驻点位置的主要因素为波纹管补偿器设置位置、弯头角度。
- The simplest type of pressure gauge is the open-tube manometer. 最简单的压力计,是开管流体压力计。
- Two-way cartridge valve control systems and fittings, agent of pressure gage, sensor and relays. 二通插装阀系统及其附件、代理压力表、压力传感器、压力继电器。
- Shaft sealing adopts single (double) face, bellow type mechanical seal, it also can adopt soft packing, is can meet sealing demands of all kinds of conditions. 轴封采用单(双)端面、波纹管等形式的机械密封,也可采用软填料密封,能适应各种条件下的密封要求;
- Valves with bellows seals shall be furnished with a pressure gauge as an indicator when bellows have a leak. 波纹管密封的阀门应配备一个压力表作为波纹管有泄漏的指示计。
- Open the inlet stop valve gradually until the reducing valve takes control as indicated by the delivery pressure gage. 逐步开启进口截止阀,直到输出压力表上显示减压阀开始其控制作用为止。
- APG-FC2 suspension fork is the lightening Air-spring suspension fork.It has a pressure gage to show the pressure value. FC2避震前叉是一种可自给调整压力且可显示压力值的轻量化气压式避震前叉。