- Belonging to the past; antiquated. 过时的,陈旧的属于过去的;废弃的
- Divisions, polarization and hatred belong to the past. 分裂、分极和仇恨都属于过去。”
- Do wolves belong to the canine species? 狼是犬科动物吗?
- Honors belong to the past;strength rewrites the future. 荣誉属于昨天,实力改写未来。
- John Bulls belong to the white race. 英国人属于白色人种。
- China belongs to the Third World. 中国属于第三世界。
- Alder trees belong to the birch family. 赤杨属于桦木科。
- String beans belong to the pea family. 菜豆属于豌豆属植物。
- The Chinese belong to the yellow race. 中国人属于黄种人。
- Death belongs to the past, now belong to him. Shelley ....... 过去属于死神,现在属于自己。.......雪莱
- In my eyes, the things which belong to the past are, more or less, surrounded with kinds of shadow even if there are full of mirth. 在我看来,那些属于过去的东西,即使是充满欢笑也都好似处在阴影里,周身都笼罩着一层阴暗的光。
- Private members keep up their outward allegiance to the parties they belong to. 议员们对各自所属的党派保持表面上的忠诚。
- To the developers, through the work of the past many security companies do not belong to the developer, specious responsibility himself. 对发展商来说,可以通过担保公司的工作将过去许多不属于发展商的、似是而非的责任剔出。
- As a result he was booed by the Bianconeri supporters during the first home game with Vicenza, but these problems now belong to the past. 结果;黑白军团第一个主场在与维琴察的比赛中遭到了球迷的嘘声;但是现在这些问题都已经成为历史.
- The streets belong to the past light cake snacks, unpresentable now Fuzhou people also put on a banquet table light cake. 以前光饼属于街头小吃,不登大雅之堂,如今福州人宴桌也摆上了光饼。
- China belongs to the third world country. 中国属于第三世界国家。
- These blades belong to the food processor. 刀片是食品加工机的附件
- Dogs, wolves, and coyotes belong to the same genus. 狗、狼和土狼是同属。
- Historically, A Q belongs to the past, while Wu Sunfu belongs to the future. 仅就历史意义而言 ,阿Q是过去的 ,吴荪甫是未来的。
- They belong to the same generation. 他俩同辈。