- belt conveyor head cave 胶带机头硐室
- The practice experience of adopting cable anchor supporting technique in northern belt conveyor head chamber is introduced. 介绍了成庄矿北翼胶带机机头硐室采用锚索支护技术的实践经验。
- The normal run essential condition of belt conveyor is discussed. 论述了带式输送机正常运行的必要条件;
- Is a metal mesh or steel mesh belt conveyor carrier as a delivery device. 是采用金属网带或塑钢网带作为输送载体的一种输送设备。
- On demand of produce-prepare in the Zibo Mine Group Xuchang Mine and Daizhuang Mine,the head,drive,floating vehicle and tail of DSJ800 extensible belt conveyor are optimizing designed. 根据淄矿集团许厂煤矿和岱庄煤矿的生产准备要求,对DSJ800可伸缩带式输送机的机头部、驱动部、游动小车和机尾等进行技术改造。
- Clinker will be fed to cement mill by belt conveyor after discharged by weighing machines at the bottom of silos. 熟料由库底计量设备卸出后,用带式输送机送入水泥磨。
- Iron powder and admixture will be fed onto auxiliary materials stockyard by belt conveyor. 铁粉、混合材经破碎系统输送皮带机送入辅助原料堆场。
- The “changed roat” effect of scraper conveyor head and end, and application state for recent years are introduced. 介绍了综采配套设备中的刮板输送机头、尾部进行变线的作用和大同矿务局近年来所使用刮板输送机的变线情况。
- Adjacent to the table is the third unit which contains a belt conveyor, a grid trimming die and another belt conveyor. 与工作台相邻的第三个装置,包括传送带,板栅修边用模具和第二条传送带。
- The belt conveyor is found in many different forms and in almost every luggage handling system. 皮带输送机有多种不同形式,几乎在每个行李处理系统得到应用。
- The 1003-meter-long cross river belt conveyor for coal transporting of Bengang New Power Plant. 本钢新发电厂全长1003米的跨河输煤强力胶带运输机。
- Through utilizing deep groove rollers,solve coal slip problem when big declivitous angle belt conveyor working. 通过采用深槽托辊组解决了大倾角带式输送机物料的下滑问题;
- Automation product line is composed of belt conveyor, roller conveyor, chain conveyor and lifter. 皮带机、滚筒输送机、链条输送机、升降机等组成适合生产要求的自动化生产线。
- Belt conveyor, Stretcher and Hospital beds belong to our portfolio.For more information please call us. 提供皮带运输机、输送带、台、拖架、支座及其它产品。
- This paper proposes an idea to program the tension calculation for belt conveyor tensioner. 针对长距离可伸缩大型带式输送机的工作特点,设计了一种自动张紧装置。
- Comparing the hemicycle deep trough belt conveyor with the others,its characteristics were summarized. 通过半圆形深槽带式输送机与其他形式带式输送机的比较,总结了半圆形深槽带式输送机的特点。
- It is also pointed out that the selection of belt conveyor with electronic belt weigher is also a very important issue. 同时指出,选择哪一条皮带输送机安装电子皮带秤也是一个非常重要的问题。
- This paper introduces the design of press shaping mould for belt fastener of mine belt conveyor. 介绍矿用带式输送机皮带扣冲压成型模具的设计。
- Belt conveyor main axle happens tired breaking,main reason is axiality that havenzt reach design require,need adjust. 带式输送机减速器的主轴易发生疲劳断裂,主要是电动机轴与减速器高速轴的同轴度在长期使用过程中达不到设计要求,需调整。
- The ordinary belt conveyor consists of six main parts: Drive Unit, Jib or Delivery End, Tail Ender Return End. 普通型带式输送机由六个主要部件组成:传动装置,机尾或导回装置,中部机架,拉紧装置以及胶带。