- Leaving home was a terrible wrench for him. 他觉得离开家十分痛苦。
- I bent back too far and hurt my back muscles. 我后仰得太厉害,扭伤了腰部。
- It's hard to get at the spark plug without a proper wrench. 没有一把合适的扳钳,要抓住那个火花塞是困难的。
- All eyes were bent on the fancy car. 所有的眼神都注视那部新奇的车。
- The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然转向东流。
- It was a wrench to leave the old home. 离开这个老家非常痛苦。
- She bent over backwards to show it. 她拚命把它显露出来。
- He gave a wrench to his ankle when he jumped down. 他跳下去的时候扭伤了足踝。
- Joyce is bent on buying a new house. 乔伊斯一心想买一套新住房。
- Separation from her children was a terrible wrench. 同她的孩子们分别是一项很大的痛苦。
- Laura bent her head and hurried on. 劳拉低着头匆匆往前走。
- Judy bent her face low over the notebook. 朱迪把脸凑近笔记本。
- He bent down and undid his shoelaces. 他俯下身来解开鞋带。
- A Lan bent down and kissed the child. 阿兰俯下身,亲了亲孩子。
- She has bent on becoming an actress. 她决心成为一名女演员。
- My thoughts were bent on seeing the world. 我一心一意想离家去遨游世界。
- She bend over backwards to show it. 她拼命把他显露出来。
- The plumber took out a wrench and tightened the bolt. 修水管的工人拿出一把扳手拧紧了螺栓。
- They refused to bend to the hijackers' demands. 他们拒绝屈从于劫机者的要求。
- He gave his elbow a wrench when he fell off the ladder. 他从梯子上摔下时扭伤了手肘。