- Her best moment was her first championship race. 她最棒的那一次比赛是她第一次参加锦标赛。
- When is the best moment to release news? 准备什么时候发布新闻?
- YAN: Has that been your best moment? 那是你最好的时刻吗?
- CNY is the best moment in a year!!! 果真一年里过年最好!!!!!
- MLB.com: What's your best moment off the field? 当你在球场以外的最棒时刻是什麽时候呢?
- Apart from the Davis Cup, is that your best moment in tennis? 除了戴维斯杯,这是你网球生涯中一个最棒的时刻?
- Q. Apart from the Davis Cup , is that your best moment in tennis? 问:除了戴维斯杯,这是你网球生涯中一个最棒的时刻?
- It was Hughes' best moment in the game, if not his only one. 这对小休斯在这场球赛是最佳时刻,但不是他唯一的一次。
- MLB.com: What has been your best moment on the field so far? 直到现在,在球场上你的最棒时刻是何时?
- In her best moments she did not act. 在春风得意的时代,她是不必装模作样的。
- When is the best moment to release the date of the election to the newspapers? 什么时候是向报界透露选举日期的最好时机?
- It might not seem the best moment for the ragtag gang to make its stand. 工作人员的办事不力使得人们对政府的信心大打折扣。
- Xprincessx18> Hi Frank if u had 2chose 1 what wud b t best moment of ur life? 嗨;弗兰克;你生活中最美好的时刻是什么?在我有女儿的时候.
- The best moment of his day, he said, was after he got home, tired and hungruy, and ate sweet pies his mum had made. 而一天之中最开心的时候,就是当他又累又饿地回到家,吃着妈妈做的甜派。
- "I would say the best moment of all was when I caught a 7.5 pound largemouth bass in my lake. 我最开心的深刻是当我抓到一条7.;5磅的黑鲈鱼的时候“--在采访他在办公室最开心的时候专题中。。。在办公室钓鱼。。。
- I've never been this happy. I've never been as happy as I am now. This is the happiest moment in my life. This is the best moment of my life. 我从没有这么高兴过。
- Dario Simic spoke to Milan Channel about Milan's current form: 'We understand it isn't the best moment and it's important that the fans have faith. 西米奇在米兰频道谈了米兰现在的现状:“我们知道这并不是最好的时刻,但是现在球迷的信任很重要。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- In 2006 he told a German newspaper that the best moment of his presidency was when he caught a seven-and-a-half pound (3.5 kg) largemouth bass on the lake at the ranch. 2006年他向一家德国报社透露说他任期里最畅快的时光莫过于在农场的湖里逮住了一条重达3.;5公斤的大嘴鲈。