- Freedom and unfreedom ultimately betray themselves by their fruit. 自由和不自由的结果截然不同。
- Rosamond was not one of those helpless girls who betray themselves unawares. 罗莎蒙德不是那种软弱无能的女孩子、会在不知不觉中暴露自己。
- They who assume a character that does not belong to them generally betray themselves by overacting. 装模作样的人常常由于表现过火而露出原形。
- They who assume a character that doesn't belong to them generally betray themselves by overacting it. 装腔作势、过分卖弄的人,总是要露原形的。
- belong to them generally betray themselves by overacting. 装模作样的人常常由于表现过火而露出原形.
- that does not belong to them generally betray themselves by overacting. 装模作样的人常常由于表现过火而露出原形。
- They who assume a character that doesn't belong to them generally betray themselves by overacting it 装腔作势、过分卖弄的人,总是要露原形的。
- They quarreled among themselves. 他们互相争吵。
- To betray a friend is a base action. 背叛朋友是卑劣的行为。
- Any users of credit may overextend themselves. 每个贷款使用者都有可能作出不自量力的事。
- Do they live all by themselves in that big house? 他们是不是单独住在那座大房子里?
- Let's leave the two of them to sort themselves out. 咱们让他们俩自己把相互间的误解好好澄清一下吧。
- The boy glut themselves with cake. 孩子们吃蛋糕过了量。
- Ferns reproduce (themselves) by spores. 蕨类植物用孢子繁殖。
- They went to Suao by themselves. 他们自己去苏澳。
- The police had sold themselves to the gang leaders. 那些警察已卖身投靠匪首。
- They barricaded themselves in (their rooms). 他们把自己关在(自己的屋子)里面。
- Soon they began to fight among themselves. 不久他们内部就斗争起来了。
- They demand the right to govern themselves. 他们要求自治权。
- They finished the work by themselves. 他们自己完成了这项工作。