- The scientist redefined the relations between population and economic affairs. 这位科学家重新说明了人口和经济之间的关系。
- Urban development therefore serves as an important linkage between population growth and economic growth. 因此,都市发展成为人口成长与经济成长间的重要联系。
- Fig. 1. Relationship between population parameters and female wasp density of Hemiptarsenus varicornis. 图异角釉小蜂族群介量与雌蜂密度之关系.
- Fig. 2. Relationship between population parameters and female wasp density of Neochrysocharis formosa. 图华釉小蜂族群介量与雌蜂密度之关系.
- This paper analyses the dynamic relation between population change and urban man-made landforms of Dalian City. 文章以大连市为例,研究人口变化与城市人工地貌间的动态关系。
- The unbalanced relation between population and resources makes the growing poverty more deterioratshy;ing. 人口和资源之间不平衡的关系,使得不断增长的贫困现象更加恶化。
- Actinomycete numbers in sediment samples revealed that a positive correlation exists between population size and location. 放射线菌类编号在沉积样品显露, 一种正面交互作用存在在人口大小和地点之间。
- the true population regression model 真实总体回归模型
- The result of the coefficient of gene differentiation showed that 4.79% of total variation were from between population variations. 5. 4.;计算了总群体杂合度和亚群体杂合度以及遗传分化系数;结果表明品种间变异仅占总群体变异的4
- The contradiction between population on one hand and survival and development on the other is especially sharp in developing countries with a fast population growth. 特别是在人口增长过快的发展中国家,人口与生存、发展的矛盾尤为突出。
- The Chinese government will unswervingly continue to carry out the basic national policy of family planning,and promote a coordinated development between population on one hand and the economy,society,resources and environment on the other. 中国政府将继续坚定不移地贯彻执行计划生育这一基本国策,促进人口与经济、社会、资源、环境协调发展。
- The same section speaks of the need to preserve the important historical and cultural aspects of our national heritage, to enhance the quality of renewable resources, and to achieve a balance between population and resource use. 在同一部分也讲到了需要保护国家重要的历史与文化遗产,提高再生资源质量,达到人口与资源使用之间的平衡。
- Moderate population scale and density, excellent quality and reasonable structure of population will promote a fully coordination between population and economy, society, resource, environment. 适度的人口规模、适宜的人口密度、优良的人口素质和合理的人口结构将促进人口与经济、社会、资源、环境的全面协调。
- Gene flow The movement of alleles within and between populations of the same species through interbreeding. 基因流动:同一种群内由于杂交或种内选择使某一等位基因在该种群内扩散。
- Barriers to free gene flow between populations are all-important in speciation, the origination of new species. 族群间基因自由流动的障碍,是新物种形成过程中最要紧的关键。
- Genetic variations between populations and individuals of Masson pine in Fujian Province. 福建省马尾松群体和个体遗传变异的研究.
- He became two watershed-characters: the watershed between Enlightenment and Romanticism, and the watershed between populism and nationalism. 他成为处于两条分水岭之间的人物,一条是启蒙运动与浪漫主义运动的分水岭,一条是民粹主义与民族主义的分水岭。
- The river had worn a ravine between the hills. 那条河在两山之间已造成一个深谷。
- Conclusion Y-specific STRs are good genetic markers for the purpose of analysis of genetic relationship between populations. 获得了成都汉族群体5个Y染色体特异STR基因座的等位基因频率。
- Between ourselves, that young man's hair is much too long. 就咱俩之间说说,那小伙子的头发实在是太长了。