- Beware of a man of one book. 不要与一个有专业知识的人争论。
- beware of a man of one book 提防钻一本书的人,不可轻视专精一艺的人,每个人在他的专业范围内都是权威
- Beware of the man of one book. 提防那只念一本书的人。
- Beware of a man who never speaks and of a dog never barks. 当心不语的人,提方不叫的狗。
- You can't convict a man of a crime on circumstantial evidence alone. 不能只靠旁证就判定一个人有罪。
- The wind and waves make a man of a sailor. 水手是在大风大浪中成长的。
- Any means may justify the ends of a man of genius. 一个有天才的人为了达到他的目的可以不择手段。
- A man of straw is worth of a woman of gold. 稻草男儿抵得上金玉女子。
- Someone told me he was a man to beware of. 有人告诉我,他是一个需要提防的人物。
- Beware of the fury of a patient man. 要小心脾气好的人发火
- He is too much of a man of the world not to know better. 他是个深谙世故的人,不至于作出不合情理的事情。
- Beware of a silent dog and still water. 哑狗和静水,二者都得防。
- A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter. 一个男子打扮成樵夫的模样出现在城堡的门口。
- He is a man of a military carriage, with an air of fashion. 他是个风度英武,很有气派的男子。
- It makes a spiritual man of a carnal one. 能使血肉的人,成为神人。
- The despair left him a mere shell of a man. 他陷入绝望,形同躯壳。
- Wanted to select a very capable man to work for him. He said to his ministers: 'When choosing a talented person, always beware of one with a false reputation. 三国时代魏国的皇帝曹睿,准备选拔一个有才能的人到朝廷来做官。曹睿对他的大臣说
- Her son's voice has acquired the deepness of a man. 她儿子的声音已经有了成年男人的低沈。
- I turned my head and saw the profile of a man. 我转过头,看见了一个人的侧影。
- Gets the height, in pixels, of one line of a menu. 获取一个菜单行的高度(以像素为单位)。