- IS Illness of Securities Companies Beyond Cure? 券商沉疴,已入膏肓?
- The disease has attacked the vitals -- beyond cure. 病入膏肓。
- Situation serious request your managerial there for appeasement before damage develop beyond cure. 情况严重,在局面不可收拾之前,请贵公司经理飞往该地,予以调停挽留。
- Spanner wrench means he will have close to so many people, no matter how many love and happiness are not, are beyond cure. 扳扳手指,自己身边就有那么多的人,无论恋爱次数多少,家庭幸福有否,都已经病入膏肓。
- Nevertheless, people have a panegyric on the eight phenomena. Therefore, the spirit of this world is distorted. It has become a stubborn disease and beyond cure. 然而,世人对这八种现象却是推崇备至。因此,这个世界的精神层面,早已扭曲纷乱,成为陈年痼疾,根深柢固,而不可救药矣!
- It was a case far beyond cure. 这种病已是不可救药了。
- the disease has attacked the vitals beyond cure 病入膏肓
- The good they have done for me is beyond measure. 他们对我所做的好事简直无可估量。
- incorrigible; incurable; beyond help or remedy; be beyond cure 不可救药
- be beyond cure;Incorrigible;beyond help or remedy;incurable 不可救药
- The slum area was sordid and filthy beyond belief. 该贫民区之污秽肮脏简直令人难以置信。
- This shampoo will cure your dandruff. 这种洗发水可除掉头皮屑。
- There is still no cure for the common cold. 目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。
- Her conduct lies beyond all question and reproach. 她的行为不容怀疑,无可指责。
- Such philosophical subtleties are beyond my reach. 这种深奥的哲理我可无法理解。
- The authenticity of the manuscript is beyond doubt. 手稿的真实性是毋庸置疑的。
- Do you think a cure will be found for cancer? 你觉得能找到治疗癌症的方法吗?
- The child looks to his mother to cure his hurts. 孩子希望妈妈能治愈他的创痛。
- I own nothing beyond the clothes on my back. 除了身上的这些衣服,我一无所有。
- Leave the cure to Mother Nature. She knows best. 要想痊愈就听其自然吧.;老天爷最有办法。