- Beyond the hill, the land falls (away) sharply towards the river. 山那边地面呈陡坡向河边倾斜。
- There is a village beyond the hill. 山那边有一座村庄。
- The enemy were entrenched beyond the hill. 敌人在山的那一边以壕沟防守。
- They live into far beyond the hill. 他们住在山那一边很远的地方。
- The road continue beyond the village up into the hill. 这条路绵延不断越过村子直入山中。
- She lives in a samll house about two kilometres beyond the hill. 她住在山那边约有二公里路的一幢房子里。
- Beyond the hill, the land falls away sharply towards the river. 山那边地势陡降,伸向河边。
- When I have finished writing the letter,I will take you to the lake about two miles beyond the hill. 我写完信后,我会带你到山那一边约2英里的湖边去。
- They had advanced only so far beyond the house as to admit a full view of the hill. 她们刚刚转过自家的房子,能看到后面那座重要的小山的全景。
- Later, realizing the need for information of enemy activity beyond the hill, Capt.Brown went out alone to reconnoiter. 就当他准备再次投弹时,完全暴露在敌人火力下他,因腹部多处中弹而倒下。
- It was a long trudge up the hill. 那段上山的路很难走。
- The stately mansion crested the hill. 庄严的大厦位于山顶。
- The road continues beyond the village up into the hills. 这条路绵延不断越过村子直入山中。
- I own nothing beyond the clothes on my back. 除了身上的这些衣服,我一无所有。
- The farm sits on the side of the hill. 农场位于山坡上。
- The drilling troops mustered on the hill. 演习部队在小山上集合起来了。
- The tower on the hill brooded above the village. 小山上的塔楼俯视着那个村庄。
- Beyond the coral reef the open sea is dark blue. 珊瑚礁之外的大海是一片深蓝色。
- Your question is beyond the scope of this book. 你所问的问题已超出了这本书的范围。
- They are digging through the hill to make a tunnel. 他们正在凿山建一条隧道。