- bicipital tuberosity 二头肌粗隆,二头肌结节
- Howeer, a subset of patients hae deelopment of glenoid arthritis and rotator cuff deficiency due to tuberosity failure. 但是,有相当一部分病人因为粗隆衰退而导致了关节盂性关节炎以及回旋肌腱群的缺损。
- These augment the fixation of the surgical neck fracture and will also stabilize a greater tuberosity fragment. 这有助于加强外科颈骨折的稳定并能够稳定大结节骨块。
- Objective To explore the manifestation of cyst of ischial tuberosity on CT scan and its diagnostic value. 目的探讨坐骨结节囊肿的CT表现及CT扫描的诊断价值。
- Methods: For 164 cases of WLV, placental tissue fluid and vitamin B12 were injected to bilateral ischial tuberosity. 方法:对164例患者在双侧坐骨结节处予胎盘组织液、维生素B12局部注射,并根据病理分型予化斑膏1号、化斑膏2号、化斑膏3号外用治疗。
- The concomitant contusion of greater tuberosity was found in all 12 partial rotator-cuff tears. 所有12例部分撕裂患者均见伴存的肱骨大结节挫伤。
- The function of joint in DHS combined tuberosity tension screw group was better than that in DHS group(P<0.05). 联合螺钉组关节功能优良率优于单纯DHS组(P<0.05)。
- Objective To compare the therapeutic effect of dynamic hip screw(DHS)and DHS combined tuberosity tension screw for intertrochanter fracture of femur in the elderly. 目的比较动力髋螺钉(DHS)与DHS联合粗隆拉力螺钉对老年人股骨粗隆间骨折的治疗效果。
- Osgood-Schlatter disease (also known as tibial tubercle traumatic apophysitis) is an inflammation of the growth plate at the tibial tuberosity. 什么是'古德-施拉特的疾病-生长板发炎的结节腿骨'?
- Try this article on the bicipital tenosynovitis case, to explore the effect of acupuncture combined with tuina manipulation therapy. 本文试著就二头肌腱鞘炎案例,探讨针灸和推拿手法结合治疗的疗效程度。
- These have multiple options for suture attachment and can accommodate a large greater tuberosity fragment without causing impingement. 他们有缝合固定的多种选择,适应大结节骨块而不发生撞击。
- Methods The CT manifestation of 12 cases of cyst of ischial tuberosity confirmed by both surgery and pathology were studied retrospectively. 方法回顾性分析12例经手术及病理证实的坐骨结节囊肿的CT表现。
- This method is effective for displaced 2-part fractures and can be used in 3-part fractures after reduction and fixation of the greater tuberosity. 本方法对移位的2部分骨折是有效的,并能用于大结节复位后的3部分骨折。
- The superficial head contained longitudinal fibers, which inserted by means of a thick round tendon onto the ulnar tuberosity. 浅头含有纵纤维,通过一个粗圆肌腱与尺骨粗隆相连。
- In the patient with chronic infection, the anchoring material was remoed because it was no longer holding the biceps tendon to the radial tuberosity. 在有慢性感染的那个患者身上,固定材料被拔除了,因为它已经不再有固定肌腱至桡骨粗隆的作用了。
- Advancement of the tibal tuberosity (TTA) or Maquet osteotomy is a recognized procedure for the treatment of patellofemoral osteoarthritis. 摘要马圭氏胫骨粗隆前移术是治疗膑骨骰骨关节炎的方法一。
- The apex of the greater tuberosity was determined by placing a marker on the superiormost area of the greater tuberosity. 在大结节的上级放置一个标记以确定大结节的顶点。
- Methods A customized reamer was used to make the bottleneck-like femoral tunnel, and the patellar tendon-tibial tuberosity autograft was harvested. 方法以山羊为模型,用阶梯状联合钻一次成形建立股骨倒置瓶颈状隧道,以髌腱-胫骨结节骨块为移植物,胫骨壁外口骨桥打结固定。
- The length of the body, measured from the sternum (breast-bone) to the ischiatic tuberosity, should not exceed the height at the withers by, at most, 15%. 体长(自胸骨至坐骨结节)最长不应超过肩隆(肩骨间的隆起部)高度的15%25。
- Three to 4 pins are directed proximally across the surgical neck fracture, and 1 or 2 pins are placed through the greater tuberosity into the medial cortex. 3-4枚针向近端通过肱骨外科颈骨折,1或2枚针通过大结节进入内侧皮质。