- The Distributors also agree to quote a reasonable bid ask spread, having regard to market liquidity and conditions. 分销商亦同意在参考市场流通性及市况后,提供合理买入卖出差价。
- The Effect of Warrant Listing on Bid Ask Spreads, Price Volatility, and Trading Activity of the Underlying Stocks 权证的上市对标的股票交易的影响
- bid ask spreads 买卖价差
- When liquidity decreases, Customers can expect, at the minimum, to have wider bid to ask spreads as the supply of available bid/ask prices, outstrips the demand. 当流动资金减少,但顾客可在供过于求是以最小值投标/询价以获更大的差价。
- After a direct limit raise to three of opener's major: the cheapest bid asks for shortness. One heart-three hearts-three notrump is a control-bid in spades. 直接有限支持到开叫高花的三阶之后:最便宜叫品为询问短门。
- Bid-Ask Spread The amount that the ask price exceeds the bid. 买卖差价叫价高于出价的金额。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- She made a bid of ten dollars on the table. 那张桌子她出价十美元。
- He asked the tailor to make over his pants. 他请裁缝把他的裤子翻改了一下。
- Ben will at all risks get the bid. 班要冒着一切风险争取中标。
- The goods were bid up far beyond their real value. 这些货物的价格被炒得远远超过了它们的实际价值。
- The teacher asked the pupil to put his hand down. 老师叫这个小学生把手放下。
- Smith left his partner's bid in. 史密斯对他搭挡的叫牌不予回叫。
- She asked for a valuation of her house. 她要求对她的房舍作一估价。
- bid - ask spread 买卖价差
- He asked for a donation but went away empty handed. 他请求人们捐款,但离开时却一无所获!
- She got cold feet when asked to recite in class. 当她被叫起来在班上背诵时害怕了。
- He kicked the bid up another thousand. 他把出价又抬高了一千元。
- Never before have I been asked to accept a bribe. 以前我从未被要求接受贿赂。
- He bid $300 for the oil painting. 他出价三百元买那幅油画。