- A Method of Bidirectional Parallel Port Communication with High Speed Between PC and Single Chip Microcomputer System PC机双向并口与单片机之间高速通信的一种实现
- bidirectional parallel port 双向并行端口
- How to read a byte from the parallel port? 怎样从并口中读一个字节数据?
- It support parallel port connected to jtag. 说明:Jtag schematic for embemed system design.
- Prices are now virtually the same as a serial or parallel port. 现在,(USB的)价格实际上与串行口或并行口是相同的。
- Tunelp'aids in configuring the kernel parallel port driver. 系统并口设备配置工具。
- You can improve scanning speed by using the ECP parallel port mode. 您可以用ECP并行端口模式提高扫描速度。
- Parallel port: The connection for parallel interface. 并联插口:连接并联接驳器的插口。
- Parallel port The connection for parallel interface. See Serial port. 并联插口连接并联接驳器的插口。参阅串联插口。
- Configuring devices attached to a parallel port can be more complex. 配置对一个并口的装置附件可能是更复杂的。
- Parallel port interfacing a complete source code can be used directly. (译):并行端口接口的完整的源代码可以直接使用。
- Integrated hardware (such as video chips that share system RAM) and parallel port devices can also be problematic. 整合的硬件(像是共享的电视薯条系统随机存取储存器)和平行端口装置也可能是棘手的。
- Parallel port interface is a horrid kluge asking for trouble, and USB drives are slow. 并口接口是一种会给您添麻烦的棘手玩意儿,而USB驱动器则很慢。
- The design adopts VC++ to write the low level controling procedure of Windows serials port and parallel port. 设计采用VC++编写Windows串口,并口的底层控制程序。
- English: The integrated parallel port uses a 25-pin D-subminiature connector on the computer's back panel. 集成并行端口使用计算机背面板上的25针超小D型连接器。
- Translation memory too large for demo mode. install a valid license file or connect a dongle to the parallel port. 不知有效许可证和您提供的许可证有什么区别,问题如何解决,请帮助。
- Regarding a parallel port being bi-directi onal, it is mostprobably referring to including a mux card. 关于双向并行端口,非常可能指的是包括一个多路复用器卡。
- The Printer Driver SWIs, used to well aid the use of the Parallel port for printing. 打印机驱动器 SWI,用来辅助使用打印并行端口。
- It counts the input ttl frequency at the s5 bit of parallel port using ntport library. (译):它的输入TTL计数频率在五位的并行端口使用ntport图书馆。
- AEC is In System Programable (ISP) programmer for AT89Sxx microcontroller through parallel port. (译):非洲经济共同体是在系统可编程( ISP )的微控制器编程AT89Sxx通过并行端口。