- A Brief Talk On Bill Of Quantities Quote 试谈工程量清单报价
- Study on Bill of Quantities Quoting Skills 工程量清单投标报价技巧的探讨
- bill of quantities quote 工程量清单报价
- Item pricing is an important but difficult task in priced bill of quantities. 在工程量清单计价中,清单项目组价是其重点和难点。
- The method of measurement shall be in accordance with the Bill of Quantities or other applicable Schedules. 测量方法应符合工程量表或其他适用报表。
- This sequence is shown by the order in which the trades are printed in the bill of quantities. 通常,这种顺序靠材料进度清单中所排印的各工种次序来表明。
- Then the advantages of valuation with bill of quantities are summarized by comparing norm valuation with BOQ valuation. 然后把清单计价与定额计价进行比较总结出工程量清单计价的优越性。
- Bidding quotation,Bill Of Quantities(BOQ),Construction Method,Progress Schedule. 投标报价,工程量清单,施工方案,进度计划怎么翻译呢?
- The tenderer shall fill in rates and amounts for all items of work described in the Bill of Quantities, whether quantities are stated or not. 无论工程量是否标明,投标者应对工程量表中的每项工程标明单价和总价。
- The quantities given in the Bill of Quantities are estimated and provisional, and are given to provide a common basis for bidding. 工程报价清单里所给出的数量是估算的,并依据假设前提的,只是为竞标提供一个普通的基准。
- Unit price contract; admeasurement contract; remeasurement contract A contract based on unit prices. Includes a bill of quantities, which is a statement of all the items of work. 单价合同;计量合同以单价为基础的合同,它包括一张数量清单,即所有工程的类目表。
- Bill of quantities: The specification of the quantity of materials to be used. 工程量清单;建筑工程清单;数量清单:指项目所用材料的数量及其规格的清单。见priced Bill of guantities
- On the year 2002, the project cost valuation model has taken a quantum leap to adopt the Bill of Quantities model which comes into common use in international project. 2002年我国工程造价计价方法发生了重大变化,国际上通用的工程量清单计价模式(Bill of Quantities)被采用,可以说工程量清单的实施,是我国工程造价计价方法与国际惯例接轨的切入点,为合理的确定产品价格奠定了基础。
- From the bidding under priced bill of quantities, the article dissents the deficiencies of priced bill of quantities and proposes countermeasures that can be of referential value. 文章从工程量清单招标过程着手,深入剖析了实行工程量清单招标的不足,提出了工程量清单招标中应采取的对策,对工程量清单招标具有借鉴作用。
- With the application of bill of quantities in construction industry, the valuation with bill of quantities has been widely used in the field of invite bids and tender. 随着“工程量清单计价”在建筑业中的应用,建筑市场已经逐步走向成熟,工程量清单计价在招标、投标竞争机制中的使用也越来越广泛。
- Through the situation of spreading the mode of valuation with bill of quantities, the influences to construction enterprises can be summarized in our country. 从清单计价规范实行的情况,可以看出工程量清单计价模式对我国施工企业的影响。
- The carry out of bill of quantities is an important act in deepening reform with construction cost management, it is also an important act in conforming the order of market to new condition. 实行工程量清单计价是深化工程造价管理改革的重要举措,也是规范建设市场秩序的措施之一,对我国建设领域的改革意义深远。
- Abstract: Under the restrain of the Code of Bill Of Quantities and the Code of Accounting, this paper discusses the cost management of construction companies and suggests several outside measures to help construction companies manage cost. 从施工企业成本管理的角度,研究《计价规范》和《会计准则》并行条件下,工程量清单计价对施工企业成本管理提出的新要求,并探讨工程量清单计价下施工企业成本管理应注意的问题和配套的外部环境建设问题。
- The quantities provided in the Bill of Quantities are provisional.These unit rates will be used to calculate a fixed price contract sum upon the issuance of the final construction drawings. 此处所附的工程量清单是临时性的,当施工图量具备计算总价时,将根据综合单价计算一个固定的合同总价。