- binary land right system 二元土地权利体系
- The deep research on farmland transference problem has important meanings especially to clear and definite the rural land right system,regulate the rural land using mechanism and complete the transfer system. 农用地转用问题的深入研究,对于进一步明确农村土地权属制度、规范农村土地利用活动、健全农村土地流转体系和强化农村土地管理等一系列问题的处理起着无法替代的作用。
- On the Upgrading Land Right System of China 借鉴国际经验,完善我国的土地权利制度
- Land right system 土地权利制度
- Second, you have to be in the right system. 第二,你必须身处一个合适的战术体系中。
- A pegeon land right on top of the head of Churchill. 一只各自恰巧落在丘吉尔的头上。
- Chapter four interprets the normation of land right equalization land expropriztion, new town deveopment, land registration law system in Taiwan. 第四章”台湾地区平均地权土地征收与新市镇开发及登记之规范”,本章包括台湾地区实施平均地权、土地征收与新市镇开发及不动产登记之规范。
- What has been existed in theoretical study , legislation and practice is how to found an evenhanded and rational rum[ land right and exchange system. 无论是理论研究、立法还是实践,都存在一个共同的问题,即如何建立一个公正、合理的农村土地权利与流转体系?
- Intellectual property right system challenge and countermeasure II. 知识产权制度挑战与对策2。
- The Reform and Adaptation of Land Property Right System in Rural Areas of China after the Foundation of P.R.C. 建国后中国农村土地产权制度的改革与变通。
- A large stone landed right beside him. 一大块石头正好落在他身旁。
- It landed right in the middle of the road. 它正落在路中间。
- The plane should be landing right on schedule. 那架飞机应该会按预定时间降落。
- Urban land property right system is the basic section, as clarifying the property right is prerequisite for any transaction. 城市土地产权制度在城市地产交易制度中处于基础性地位,因为对于任何一项交易而言,产权明晰是交易的前提。
- Registration of land rights obtained by inheritance. 三因继承取得土地权利之登记。
- Do all computers use binary system? 所有的计算机都使用二进制吗?
- And pling - a tiny sausage landed right on top of the dog's head. 下图的上半部是美国引进版,下半部是英国引进版,此书的最后一页。
- She apparently took pains to convince him that she had adopted the right system. 她显然竭力使他相信她采取了一套正确的办法。
- It has no indigenous people to press land rights, as has the Arctic. 它不像北极那样,它没有土著居民坚持土地所有权。
- The third one discusses the shift of land rights and labor"s merchandizing. (三)乡村地权的转移和劳动力流动;