- A deconstructive reading of the story, indicates the author's ambivalent attitude towards this binary opposition. 该作品对理性与非理性这对二元对立所包含的循规蹈矩和我行我素的对立的理解是自相矛盾的。
- The unique feature of the Marxism is that it transcends various isms of binary opposition. 卡尔.;马克思哲学超越了近现代种种“二元对立”的“主义”;这是其特殊的哲学本性。
- In The History of Insanity in the Age of Reason , through a reading of Descartes, Foucault established reason and madness as a binary opposition. 福柯在其著作《古典时代的疯癫史》中 ,通过解读笛卡儿的一段论述 ,将理性与疯癫对立起来 ,认为理性排斥了疯癫。
- In Wilde’s works he subverts the binary opposition between nature and culture by showing that their difference is subtle. 艺术家的意识可以赋予自然新的形式,创造出一个自足的世界, 因此他认为艺术美超越自然美。
- The traditional pattern is unary dominance while the contemporary pattern has transformed into a binary opposition pattern due to the influence of the web. 传统高校学生的政治社会化模式是前台为主、后台为辅的一元主导模式,而由于网络的发展与介入,一元主导模式已逐渐转向前后台对立分化的二元对等模式。
- So she tries to deconstruct and displace the binary opposition of gender and open up possibilities of indeterminate gender and sexuality though this is also her gender ideal. 她试图解构和置换性别的二分机制,为不确定的性别和性征开放空间,但其实这也只是她个人建构的性别理想。
- By continuously repeating the structure of binary opposition of joy and ennui, Cat in the Rain conveys that gender means the incommunicability between the American couple and the death of their love. 《雨中的猫》在乐趣/无聊二元对立不断重复的基础上,生动地传达出了由于社会性别的不同,男女主人公无法沟通,爱情已死亡,婚姻关系不正常的生活。
- I'm willing to bet that the brightest new Ph.D.’s in English that year will be people who never want to hear the terms “binary opposition” or “hegemonic discourse” again as long as they live. 我愿意打赌,最有生机的新的英语专业的博士们,在那一年里正是他们,只要还活着将再也不想听“二元对立”或“霸权话语”这些话。
- Liberalist constitutional democrats in the history of Western ideology took the two as absolutely antagonistic,and thus found themselves lost in a thinking pattern of binary opposition. 西方思想史上的自由主义宪政论者把二者的对立绝对化,由此陷入二元对立的思维范式。
- Liberalist constitutional democrats in the history of Western ideology took the two as absolutely antagonistic, and thus found themselves lost in a thinking pattern of binary opposition. 西方思想史上的自由主义宪政论者把二者的对立绝对化,由此陷入二元对立的思维范式。
- The inter-disciplinary studies of translation has freed people from the binary opposition and closed self-sufficient system of structuralism, providing a multi-dimensional perspective for translators. 翻译的跨学科研究使人们走出了结构主义的二元对立、封闭自足的系统,带给翻译以多维的视角。
- Chapter Two discusses binary opposition rooted in Western metaphysical tradition, and the ubiquity of binary opposites as revealed in Cat’s Eye. 第二章对西方形而上学传统中的二元对立观展开讨论,并列举二元对立在小说中的具体表现。
- The Binary Opposition in The Scarlet Letter 红字中的二元对立
- various isms of binary opposition “二元对立”的“主义”
- Keeping the intricacies and complexities out of the pictures, let us take the binary opposites of the rich and the poor in the global system. 姑且把其中的错综复杂的问题放到一边,让我们先看世界格局的贫富两极分化现象。
- Keeping the intricacies and complexities out of the picture, let us take binary opposites of the rich and the poor in the global system. 放错综复杂在图画之外,让我们在全球体系上采取对贫富的双重对立的态度。
- These binary oppositions are ration and irration, the house of Usher and its owner, Roderick and his sister, literature and reality. 具体而言,是理性与非理性、厄舍府与其主人、罗德里克和他的妹妹,以及文学同现实之间的整合与分离。
- thinking mode of binary opposition 二元对立
- As the impact of multivariant thought of society, the obvious boundary of absolute thought of two sex which used to be looked upon as binary opposite has become blurred. 由于社会多元思想的冲击,被视为二元对立的两性绝对思想的明显分界线已经开始模糊。
- He rode roughshod over all opposition to his ideas. 他恣意压制所有与他相左的意见。