- The accumulation of biochemical components in ovule of cotton fiber mutants during the ovule development. 棉花纤维突变体胚珠发育过程中主要生化物质的积累特征。
- With the illumination and the presence of oxygen the photo sensitizers acton various biochemical components and cause toxic reaction inpests. 光活化农药的关键是光敏剂, 在有光和氧存在条件下光敏剂催化产生单重态氧, 杀灭害虫。
- The biochemical components of naturally colored brown cotton fiber during development were associated with the pigment synthesization. 棕色棉色素合成与棉纤维发育过程中生化物质组成关系密切。
- The difference on quality and biochemical Components between theveget ative propagated plant of Wuyi Dahongpao Rock Tea and its maternal plant was analy zed. 分析比较了武夷山大红袍的无性繁殖后代与其母株间的生化成分及品质的差异。
- I plan to take biochemistry this semester. 这学期我准备选修生物化学。
- She studies biochemistry, or the science of life. 她学生物化学,也就是生命科学。
- Each of the components is useful in its degree. 每一个元件都各有程度不同的用处。
- I am going to start my doctorate in biochemistry next year. 我准备明年开始攻读生物化学博士学位。
- Her research is breaking new ground in biochemistry. 她的研究正在开辟生物化学的新开地。
- Those are the components of an engine. 那些是发动机的部件。
- Effects of Processing Technology of Different Teas on the Main Biochemistry Components 加工工艺对不同茶类主要生化成分的影响
- A computer consists of thousands of components. 电脑由成千上万个部件组成。
- A system of optical components that magnifies. 能起放大作用的一组光学元件
- For several years most scholars have researched from diverse system and extent in fluorosis,but most mainly centralized on observation and biochemical component analysis. 多年来国内外学者从不同系统、不同程度对氟中毒进行了研究,但多数主要是组织学观察及分析相关的生化成分。
- The machine can stamp out hundreds of components in an hour. 这台机器每小时可以冲出几百个元件。
- Components must suitably packed for delivery to site. 部件必须适应包装以便运送到目的地。
- The manufacture of these small components is expensive. 制造这些小部件是非常昂贵的。
- Xi'an Huifeng Biochemistry Joint Stock Corp. 西安惠丰生化股份有限公司。
- Xi'an Huifeng Biochemistry Group Joint Stock Corp. 西安惠丰生化集团股份有限公司。
- Shanghai Da Yu Biochemistry Co., Ltd. 上海大宇生化有限公司。