- biological aerated filer 曝气生物滤池
- The Biological Aerated Filter(BAF) has many advantages, such as small volume high treatment efficiency etc. 摘要曝气生物滤池具有体积小、处理效率高等特点。
- BAF(Biological Aerated Filter) is a new technology developed from the base of the common biological filter. 曝气生物滤池是在普通生物滤池的基础上开发的污水处理新工艺。
- Biological aerated filter (BAF) is a recently developed process to treat organic wastewater. 生物曝气滤池是近年来国外发展起来的一项废水好氧生物处理的新工艺。
- The result shows that the suspended biological aerated filter can remove we ll the Turbidity,COD,NH4+-Nin water. 结果表明,悬浮式曝气生物滤池对水中的浊度、COD、NH4+-N具有较好的去除效果;
- Contact oxidation plays a better role in disposing low-polluted waterscape than the biological aerated filter. 在冬季运行期,接触氧化法同样表现出一定的竞争优势。
- The conception, feature and different classified means of Biological Aerated Filter (BAF) are introduced in this paper. 摘要介绍了曝气生物滤池(BAF)的概念、特点和不同的分类方法。
- The start-up of Biological Aerated Filter (BAF) was compared by different raw water. 考察了曝气生物滤池(BAF)在污水深度处理中不同原水条件下的挂膜启动情况。
- The results showthat biological aerated filter could remove NH3-N perfectly when NH3-N concentration of influent is below 30 mg/L. 试验结果表明;当进水NH3-N质量浓度小于30mg/L时;曝气生物滤池对NH3-N具有良好的去除作用;平均NH3-N去除率达到90.;4%25;出水NH3-N质量浓度可降至1mg/L以下。
- Upflow biological aerated filter (UBAF) was designed for advanced treatment of urban domestic wastewater in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province. 介绍了山东省枣庄市城市污水处理厂采用升流式曝气生物滤池(UBAF)作为污水深度处理的主体工艺的情况。
- BAF (biological aerated filter) process and SF (sand filter) process were utilized in the treatment of micro-polluted water in a refinery. 试验证明:BAF工艺是一种高效的处理方法,适合炼油厂轻污染水的净化处理。
- The removal of ammonia in a zeolite media biological aerated filter (ZBAF) includes two types of reactions: nitrification and ion exchange. 沸石滤料曝气生物滤池(ZBAF)对氨氮的去除包括生物硝化和离子交换两种作用。
- Biological Aerated Filter law as a new sewage treatment technology, both at home and abroad have a practical application. 曝气生物滤池法作为一种新型的污水处理技术,在国内外均已有实际的应用。
- Yantai City for cod processing wastewater characteristics, the design introduced by acid hydrolysis Biological Aerated Filter flotation process. 针对烟台市鳕鱼加工废水的特点,本设计主要介绍用水解酸化 气浮 处理工艺。
- Biological Aerated Filter (BAF) is on this basis to develop a traditional approach to overcome the inadequacies of the new technology representatives. 曝气生物滤池(BAF)便是在此基础上发展起来的一种能克服传统处理法不足之处的新型工艺的代表。
- The result of removal of CODCr and NH3-N from urban sewage was experimentally investigated by using biological aerated filter bed with double filter material of slag and zeolite. 研究炉渣-沸石双层滤料曝气生物滤池处理城市污水中CODCr和NH3-N的去除效果,试验结果表明:滤池中两种滤料显示出良好的互补性,滤池对CODCr和NH3-N的去除率稳定;
- When the supply water for production was contaminated,the methods of filtration,floatation,biological aerated filter were used to ensure the quality of water for production. 本文叙述造纸厂生产用水的水源受到污染后,利用过滤、气浮和曝气生物滤池以解决此难题,保证生产用水质量。
- The macroporous carrier FPUFS and special microorganisms(B350) were used in a biological aerated filter(BAF) to form a Gaia-BAF(G-BAF) and treat polluted river water. 将功能化大孔载体(FPUFS)与复合微生物菌剂B350应用于曝气生物滤池而构成固定化曝气生物滤池(G-BAF),并开展了处理受污染河水的中试研究。
- This paper expounds the basic structures, technological processes, technical features of biological aerated filter and the requirements for the natures of the filter materials. 阐述了曝气生物滤池的基本结构、工艺流程、工艺特点及对滤料性质的要求。
- A pilot study(5 m~3/d) was conducted for the advanced treatment of secondary effluent from a cotton mill by using the biological aerated filter(BAF)/ultrafiltration(UF)/reverse osmosis(RO) process. 采用中试规模(5 m3/d)的曝气生物滤池/超滤/反渗透联合工艺对棉印染废水二级生化处理出水进行了深度处理。